How to negotiate a good interest rate? It is a question that has the mortgage loans may ask themselves. A good strategy when you should take the loan or renew the loan is to try to play out several banks against each other. Then it is good to know what interest rate the bank, in practice, give to their customers. For the bank’s official interest rate, which is called listränta, is far from written in stone.

the average rate of interest, which the banks a few years ago must account for every month. It shows the average rate of interest which bank customers received on their mortgages and provides a better picture of how big prutmån it can be on the listräntan.

the average rate of interest can thus be used to play different banks against each other. But also if you’re just talking with their regular bank can interest rate be good to slippery out from up his sleeve. If you have a higher interest rate than the bank’s average interest rate the bank should be able to justify it.

One question you may ask is, what is a good interest rate? Any precise answer to the question is not. But even here, one can use the average rate of interest in order to get a picture of where we ended up.

other factors that come into play when it shall be negotiated with the banks on the interest rate. What income the household has is one. How large a loan you need to take is another, and the proportion of the dwelling that is mortgaged also affects. What relation it has to a bank in which, incidentally, can also be an important factor. It can, for example, private savings and pension savings.

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