“Brexitförhandlare: the EU can accept the customs union”

“Brexitförhandlaren Michel Barnier said that the EU may consider to approve a customs union with the Uk.”

“at the same time, he says that a hard brexit closer for every day that goes by. “

“During the Monday night voted in favour of the british parliament down all the four alternative proposals on how the Uk should leave the EU. “

“the EU’s chief negotiator in the brexitfrågan, Michel Barnier, said this morning that the EU can accept a customs union. “

“This would mean that the Uk would have a similar relationship to the EU as Norway has today. However, this was one of the decisions that the house of commons said no to last night. “

“Even the other three was voted the proposal down – and brexitkaoset continues.”

“– In, among, I am thinking that it is parliament I am sitting in is not especially good at politics, summed up the Toryledamoten Ken Clarke the evening in the debate afterwards.”

“There were four different options; to stay in a customs union with the EU, to stay in both the customs union and single market with the EU in a so-called Norgemodell, that the people would get to decide on the negotiated agreement in a referendum – as well as a proposal to be able to stop brexit if one were to go against a avtalslöst EU-exit, april 12, and do not get a reprieve from the EU.”

“Barnier also said that the EU is prepared to renegotiate the political declaration about the future relationship the Uk and the EUROPEAN union.”

“at the same time, he stresses once again that the EU does not wish to see the Uk leave the EU without an agreement but that it looks to be more likely for every day that goes by.”

“The four brexitalternativ as members of parliament voted down on Monday.”

“Toryledamoten Ken clarke’s proposal means that it brexitavtal selecting at least will contain a ”permanent and extensive british customs union with the EU”. This was only down by six votes in Wednesday’s vote.”

“the Common market 2.0 – ”Norgemodellen””

“the Proposal by the conservative member Nick Boles has authored, together with members from both the Labour party and the scottish SNP and the means to connect to in the European free trade association (Efta, in which Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland included, as well as the European economic area, which is a collaboration between EU member states and Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway. It, mean the members behind the proposal, allows the Uk to continue to trade with their neighbours – and have something to say on the future of EU trade agreements. Lost in Wednesday with 283 against 189 votes.”

“Confirmatory referendum”

“no matter what agreement you come to, so should the brits get to decide in a referendum if that was how they wanted their brexit or not, according to this proposal, which lost 295 to 268 votes.”

“the Extension of brexitprocessen”

“Members who believe that a avtalslöst EU-exit would have disastrous consequences for the united kingdom has put forward this proposal, which would involve in the first instance apply for an extension of brexit. If Brussels would not allow this parliament would get to choose between either no contract at all or to stop brexit. On Wednesday, voted this proposal down with 293 to 184.”