“In computer science we are not able to start new courses of study, the curriculum we need to reduce the number of dropouts will increase.” The scenario, the Ulf Leser, Director of the Institute for computer science, in the Academic Senate (AS) of the Humboldt University, describing, is dramatic. Through the structure planning of the University of the computer science needed to waive budget-funded Bodies – such as all the faculties. But now many institutes at the HU-Berlin-Adlershof be forced to impose an extension stop for the scientific staff. A third of the Faculty concerned, to January 2019 the first contracts could not be extended. You had expected to be a string point per year, now there are five or six, says AS a member of the reader. He asks the Bureau to immediately help: “It is now bad, not tomorrow.”

The Situation is reminiscent of the financial crisis, the HU four years ago, as to 2017, the staff quotas should be put in two-thirds of the areas to zero. At that time, a budget deficit had to be offset by 3.7 million Euro, for the then-President Jan-Hendrik Olbertz cost increases responsible, which had not been compensated for in the higher education contract with the state. Relief in the last Minute brought an Bureau pot for emergencies, out of the 1.4 million Euro for 130 personnel quotas.

gap in coverage of 12 million euros

to manage the Instrument of “quotas” is a HU-specific, to enable the faculties, the lack of human resources more flexible. A quota is 50 000 euros value, which is why a professorship currently costs 2,1 quotas and a full staff of 1.5. Who wants to fill a vacancy or a spout end to extend, in need of free quotas. But the are allocated to the faculties, now to a lesser extent than expected. Computer scientist Ulf Lesser complains that to him for four years, 20 to 30 quotas were absent.

How big is the budget deficit, the need to compensate for the HU currently is? In AS much greater Numbers than in 2014 were heard on Tuesday. Not two million euros for the introduction of a SAP system, improving the management software of the HU – project title: covered, therefore, a year, “Humboldt together” and 4.5 million euros for the surplus staff. Caused mainly because the HU has strengthened their Central University administration staff solid. This must be reduced in accordance with the structure plan in the faculties, but this is only used if the expiring contracts.

On demand HU estimated-President Sabine Kunst necessary, the gap in coverage between the personnel and the personnel budget on Wednesday to a total of twelve million euros. This amount will, however, degraded by the in the structural development of the HU “in solidarity negotiated staff consolidation” gradually. “Plan for the mountain 2023 is dissolved in the Material,” says art. What is suggest in the case of the circumcision of the personnel quotas to beech, to be “temporary loads”, such as the Overhang, the introduction of SAP and follow-up costs of the initiative for excellence.

institutions with low staff to bleed “

at the same time, the gap in the core funding had to be concluded by the Land of Berlin, the klaffe between the HU and the comparable big FU,. must stand” Differences there is, in fact: The high school contracts, according to the land resources of the FU is supposed to grow to 2022, to 381 million euros, which the HU to 293 million euros. Cost explains the difference with the FU very much higher Pension.

the HU to think of their relationships, such as student representatives Tobias Roßmann criticized in the Academic Senate? “If I have no money, I can’t buy SAP,” said rossmann. The introduction of a modern IT system for the administration had been decided on in 2015 and irreversible, said Sabine Kunst.

but Why it hits some institutions worse than others? So natural science faculty is subject to the mathematically-in Adlershof, the mathematics lower savings requirements. AS a member of the Joachim Gassen, economist, and Chairman of the Budget Committee, explained the differences, so that some of the faculties or institutes have occupied their Posts are currently full, or overfull. There could not be shortened for legal reasons. Of cuts to the organisations that have occupied at the Moment, comparatively few of their Bodies are affected consequently. Biology Professor Susanne Schreiber asked: “Need to bleed institutions, which have a lower Occupation, the most?” Streets found the “well formulated”.

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a New structure plan of The Humboldt-University is cutting jobs

Anja Kühne

HU-President of the art says, the unequal loads “were so in Detail predictable”. A possible solution approach is the deficit as planned by 2023 to reduce, but over a longer period of time.