Economy to come this year, but 36 new wind turbines, far below the objective of Flemish Energy minister Bart Tommelein (Open Vld), writes The Standard. Flanders wind farm suggests that in four years 280 wind turbines to be built so that the objectives in the field of renewable energy are approached.

The first years were 80 new turbines built. But according to data of the Flemish Wind energy Association (VWEA) came there in 2018, only 36 wind turbines in place of the target 70. It comes to wind turbines with a higher power, but even then, the result is still far below the expectations.

Read also Good news for the port: construction of 58 offshore wind turbines planned for 2020

The minister points out that there is still a lot of projects in the pipeline and that the rules are relaxed. He has therefore good hope that the objective of the wind farm will be met. the

There are now 531 operating wind turbines in Flanders, good for a capacity of nearly 1.240 mw. In Antwerp and East-Flanders is the growth is greatest, especially in the ports and along the motorways.

“Perfectly on track”

It is true that this year there will be fewer new wind turbines are built than planned, but because the past two years, each time more were placed, we are perfectly on track to the goal by the year 2020. That says minister of Energy Tommelein.

Tommelein points out, first of all, that the windmills are now a larger capacity. There are no 70 need for the proposed additional capacity. “For 2018 we are now at 107 megawatts, while the objective of an annual 150 megawatt is,” said Tommelein. So there is a theoretical deficit of 43 megawatts, the minister. “But in 2016 and 2017 were each more windmills than it provided, so we are the interim target of 93 megawatts have been exceeded. We are therefore still perfectly on track to achieve the objective in 2020 is to achieve.”

according to the Open Vld’there are still quite a few projects in the pipeline. “With the support we have given to air traffic controllers, skeyes (formerly Belgocontrol) for the adjustment of the radar system for the airport of Ostend, and will in the future also finally more wind turbines could rise in West-Vlaanderen”, decision Tommelein.