Naked, he sits on a pink potty. On the other photos of the actor Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht is crying bitterly or looks with yellow pulp around the mouth in the camera. No, crazy is the 29-Year-old is not. He is not since the beginning of the week, the face of the campaign #is your child also. Thus, the Berlin-based blogger Toyah Diebel wants to show how it would be if adults in the Internet would show how you do it all the time with their children.

handles A couple of hand, and the cute snapshot shared on Instagram. With friends, Acquaintances, perhaps Strangers. Or was he sent by Whatsapp to grandma and grandpa in the distance. Now that the Generation that grew up with social networks, get young, is one of the digital photo album of everyday life. A own term, there are already – “sharenting”, a compound word consisting of “to share” and “parenting”.

Dimension: Almost 20 million children and adolescents living in Germany. Of around four million plant photos and information are according to the German children’s aid online. To have the most without before asked.

“to Us adults, it is important to always have control over which images and data in the network land,” says Toyah Diebel. “In our children that looks are often a little different.” Whether in the bath, in bed, or vomit in the mouth of the Dignity of The children games in the social media angles: – in contrast to the basic law – suddenly, not a big role.

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media educators warn against the Trend, psychologists and cyber criminologists. The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk (DKHW) had also started a campaign on Facebook, with the name #first post think. Last November, the Association published with the University of Cologne is one of the few studies on the use of digital media in family life. “First of all, is it normal to take photos of his children,” said the co-author Nadia Kutscher the daily mirror. “Today, you are widespread, but much of the public.”

In 37 Interviews with parents and children aged from six to 15 years were asked how and to whom you show photos digital. Some children said, to protest against, what spread their parents for shots. You would often not funny or cute, but embarrassing and fear, to be later times of being laughed at.

A little girl burst into tears when it saw that the mother had shown to others a picture of you breastfeeding the Little one. A conclusion of the study is this: parents underestimate the consequences of their actions. “Children can tell pretty early on what works for you is fine,” says Kutscher. “Often, you will not be asked but even then. And if you object, are not taken into account your wishes.“

mothers catch with ultrasound images

adults have become accustomed, obviously, to show other private moments. Children. Intimate moments from their point of view, not even in the small Whatsapp family group.

the coachman is recommended to always ask first – and to accept a no. While a child in Germany, can determine only from the age of 14 is officially over. Until then, the responsibility is placed in the hands of the parents. The children’s charity says, but younger people have a right, that your personality and your privacy will be respected. Especially in the digital space.

The first words, steps, holidays. The first day in kindergarten, later in school. Who has active parents, can look in the youth’s age on his full biography on the net. In some cases, even in the time before their own birth. “Hello, you little gummy bears”, post mothers publicly and ultrasound show images. “I think my water broke”, write to them and show her round belly.

What do parents do without any ulterior motives, can even be dangerous. Kerstin Demuth from the Association of digital courage strongly recommends not to distribute images of children: “In contrast to a photo in the living room one disappears in social networks, never again!” Facebook, which acquired Whatsapp and Instagram, will secure, in its General terms and conditions a non-exclusive license and reserves the right to, among other things, the photos in the future possibly also to third parties such as advertising partners.

the elementary school was, let Facebook conclusions about the residential area, social Milieu, income. A teenager of 16 years, even there, one could associate the US-based company this profile with all the previous images and data. “And depending on what one believes to know Facebook from a user, one can be easily manipulated,” says Demuth.

tailored To meet the needs of article and Ads say the Teen directly what he should buy and read. The face detection on the Internet is also a risk. And: The friends, the parents in social networks, are not always the people we know really well. Some of you may have seen once. Anyone who wants to, can take a Screenshot, the image is downloading or in Extra-groups spread to be shared, in which children’s photos to each other. When you NAP, in the Badehöschen on the beach. At the risk of being used by paedophiles, a number of forensic experts have already referred to.

The child will become a narcissist

in addition to all these aspects, it is also questionable to what extent the development of the child disturbed develop. Bärbel Wardetzki is a German psychotherapist and author. Your special narcissism and insults. It is from their point of view on how the parents take photos of, how often and with what Motivation. “Do you want to show the grandparents just once in a while the grandchildren because they live so far away? Or is it to show the photos to their own self-worth increase? Then you meet your needs at the expense of the children,“ she says. One way or the other, not only images should be shown, the re-compression. Would later as an adult to say: it was okay.

it is Sometimes conveyed to the child, but also critical messages that shape your life. “Get pictures, especially a lot of attention and Affection, remember the child, it is particularly important.” This scheme, repeated it to develop might be narcissistic or strut to outside recognition and affirmation.

The constant Photographing can also lead to the idea that love is conditional. “The child then believes that it needs to do something, to be around and liked to be seen,” says the psychologist. This feeling he could want as an adult, for example, due to an extremely strong pressure to compensate. A third example: Crying, a little Boy, and is photographed to be consoled, instead, he can memorize: I can’t trust anyone. I don’t show my feelings better.

Ultimately, the child is also observed, as the parents like to see it – sweet, pretty, funny. It matches these expectations, the conclusion, it is valuable. Whether it is this image like or not. “All of this can make the child difficult to discover for themselves who it really is,” explains Bärbel Wardetzki. “Or it’s afraid to show to others.”

Unicef, the children’s Fund, the United Nations also warns against children by the continuous photographing are problems can get “themselves, to accept and their own identity to develop” Add to this the risk of nasty comments about to read and this hurt. Classmates can find photos and bullying start on the school Playground or directly in digital form.

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Thorsten Mumme

And finally, is it Unicef, someone can eventually get difficulties to find a Job. What if the Chef can see the whole Childhood and youth in the network? With all that he should never see.