I can understand it Yes. Why not, when you’re fighting against the Befristungs-madness, a limit on the teaching Load demand?

The WT, the service-sector Union ver.di and the (mainly, but not only) from Mittelbau-employees, existing “network for good work in science” have done last week to a powerful Alliance together, to force higher education to change course. The Initiative has the battle cry “period is chosen frustration”, and their main demand is that The Federal billion from the higher education Pact follow-on program to be made only if countries commit the money completely for new Permanent positions. If you do not fulfil your promise to get you the next Time money is deducted.

an end to the casualisation of University teaching

the Federal government and the Länder want to agree until the beginning of may on a new contract, in addition to receiving the study places, the quality of University teaching in the center. This is a fundamental difference with the previous, 2007, for the first time closed the higher education Pact, which should serve the purpose of a supposedly temporary High for the students to intercept numbers. But the Numbers no longer go down, at least not in the dimension, and so the Federal government has announced the countries in the Grand coalition-the coalition agreement: The billion in the long term, but in a different way than in the past.

Our columnist, Jan-Martin Wiarda.Photo: private

is this “different”, since “period of frustration”, necessarily, with the casualisation of University teaching to stop. Because good teaching is also based on the teachers that had time to grow into their role, and their attention is focused on the students and not Worry about the next contract renewal. Broad support to the high school lines inside are likely to be the Alliance, so sure.

However, at risk “period, this support with its second claim, is frustration”: a Maximum of eight semester hours per week should be the teaching load at universities, whether Professor or non-professorial academic staff. What, for example, professors who teach from time immemorial, 18 hours a week, so a push, you can imagine.

Why not Provide for people with the desire to doctrine?

the Correct answer is: In international comparison, German University professors have a lot of pretty – much – lessons, by the way, most of them are nine, not eight hours per week. But apart from that: Why it should in addition not be also for scientists who want to focus on the teaching? Could be the bad student-teacher ratios not be even more improved? Not everyone can, not everybody wants to make a career as a researcher. He or she must therefore away from the University?

The defensive reflex against the establishment of a supposed “teaching the servants” is as old as the implemented it, but it is not a wrong proposal of the science Council from 2007, teaching professorships. This teaching can be in 12 or 15 hours a week is still “research-based”, even at 18 hours, as Oliver Günther, President of the University of Potsdam, recently there has been attributed to, still quite a bit of time for another.

Protest against 18-hour teaching load in Potsdam

Günther had a reason for its computing operations, he has Packed in a letter to the students and staff. In Potsdam there are just a lot of excitement to a Plan by the Bureau, the upcoming Expansion of teacher education new (permanent)with a focus on teaching. With – in fact, 18 semester hours of steep–. The faculty of philosophy refused by an open letter to University management and state government: the implementation of The plans would mean the “end of the Philosophical faculty, in the best sense of the word, University-level teaching institution”. Prompting an Online Petition against the 18 SWS started, Günther began to be expected, and solidarity addresses for the faculty of arts received, among others, see above, the “network for good work”.

let’s Be honest: More than the number of hours per week the Success depends on good teaching to the teaching enthusiasm of the teachers. Also, a Uniprofessoren many that deliver alongside excellent research, and some, of which nothing comes. Nothing. Despite a nine-hour teaching load.

The author is a Journalist of education and lives in Berlin. On his Blog www.jmwiarda.de he commented on current events in schools and colleges.

More about

higher education Pact, the Berlin universities loss

Anja Kühne

editors ‘ note: At the Humboldt University organised by the network for good work in science today, Thursday, 7 threaten. March, together with the GEW and Verdi Expert-Hearing on the call for a “conversion to permanent contract-a Pact in 2019” – from 13 to 14.30 in the main building, unter den Linden 6, room 2070 a. And on the platform of the open petition, the initiators of the “deadline is start of frustration”campaign, a signature collection (here).