What is an elephant?

When the parties in the parliament are talking about housing one can sometimes be reminded of the blind men, who would investigate an unknown animal.

”This is a thick snake,” he said as felt on the snabeln. The man who laid around the leg described a tree trunk. A third got hold of a bait and talked about a spear. And so on.

That the Swedish housing policy is a fiasco, although most of them agree on. But what the problem is and how it should be resolved depends on which of the blind men, you ask.

More information about the elephant a bit later. Here are some of the housing components which can be current – and how different groups are affected by the proposals – when the S, MP, C and L’ll negotiate on taxes and the mortgage.

Something that is already clear is that anyone who sells their home with earnings soon can defer their profit tax free of charge. Uppskovsräntan abolished, and with it the Januariavtalet.

But flyttskatten, in which reavinstskatten wont be counted, can be lifted again if the parties later gets serious about the ambition of a tax reform. The centre party wants to reavinstskatten becoming ”more reasonable”, and also the greens, have spoken about a reduction.

the Winners would mainly be the households that have owned a home a long time, want to sell and move to something smaller. They can avoid millions in tax. On the plus side, all the other is that it might get more flyttkedjor.

Ränteavdraget belong to the chapter of the Swedish fiscal policy that tend to get the worst reviews of different expertinstanser.

But first, would removing interest deductibility affect the economy negatively for many with high interest loans. They tend to be families with children. In particular, when interest rates rise, it will hurt.

That SBAB’s chief economist Robert Boije pointed out at Tuesday’s DN Debate would have abolished the deduction, for the other, able to cause a 30% fall in house prices. It is a recipe for recession. Winners will be possibly those who have not yet bought their first home.

the property tax is ekonomkårens älsklingsåtgärd. It is sometimes said that the tax is no longer available. The truth is that it only has förklätts to a municipal fee with a roof.

The roof may very well be raised or removed, which would most likely push home prices a bit and increase mobility a little bit. Estimates from the Fiscal policy council also indicates that the height of the real estate tax is an accurate measure if you want to tax high-income households.

the Liberals have been critical of the stricter requirements that have become troublesome obstacles especially for anyone who has not yet started bostadskarriären.

How the measures have influenced prices is uncertain. Likely they have been squeezed. But an important thing with amorteringskraven is also the difference from the taxes doesn’t cost the household anything. They create an expense, but is a form of spartvång.

If the parties want to reduce the debt is one way to look at the rules for the banks. It may be increased capital requirements. A british variation is to set a limit that determines how large a proportion of a bank’s customers that can be stretched over a certain level.

S, MP, C, and L mentioned a long series of problems that characterise the housing market: The high level of indebtedness, generationsorättvisorna, segregation.

But if you are trying to solve the occasional problem can another easily become worse. Many fast action at a time, is likely to cause a collapse of the market.

It is thus not pulling on the elephant’s tail. The parties must agree on a whole.