Swedbankskandalen related to two big questions.

The first: Have the bank’s baltic office acted correctly, and in time, against suspected economic criminality in the highest division? On the question of continuing the bank papegojlikt answer to the ”acting”. Not that it has acted. But here the tense is crucial.

Question two: Has the management in Stockholm, with managing director Birgitte Bonnesen in the lead, followed the rules when the authorities and the media asked uncomfortable questions about the money laundering? Crisis management is ongoing, several cases are open, but so far the performance has not been satisfactory.

therefore, become increasingly burning before the annual general meeting that opens on Thursday.

The new data that SVT presented is damning of the management. In a review of the bank’s internal use, which was compiled in the beginning of the year, writes the report writer that many foreign account holders in Estonia ”should never become accepted as customers.”

These högriskkunders accounts shall have the traded amounts at upwards of 200 billion dollars per year (the sum equivalent to Estonia’s entire gdp). ”We advise Swedbank to immediately inform the authorities of Estonia and Sweden and do a thorough investigation,” it says in the report, according to SVT.

It reinforces the impression that Swedbank has seen between the fingers of suspected money laundering and hoped to get away with it.

all directions. The case concerning the disclosure of inside information, which was launched after DN’s disclosure in February, is an additional factor. The stock price made a new dive when the serious fraud office the day before the annual general meeting made a foray.

the Thing comes if the bank gave a limited circle of owners of the market information about the SVT’s revelations. For the management of a Swedish bank is the mere suspicion of insider dealing extremely embarrassing. They are no duvungar on the stock exchange. The rules are known.

an amateurish mistake seems also to have been that the man may have brought the financial supervisory authority in New York city, behind the light, when the authority raised questions about the bank customers with a link to the Panamafirman Mossack Fonseca.

Finansinspektörerna in New York, which has now launched an investigation, have the muscles. It was this authority fined Deutsche Bank with billions after a penningtvättskandal. Other, worse criminals, has shut out entirely from the u.s. financial market.

. Also the customers are at risk of Swedbank, and the vicious spiral continues. To investors such as AMF and Alecta shows the dissatisfaction is not at all strange.

more surprising is that a major shareholder, not the least of Folksam, still stands behind the lead.

the Question all boils down to: are we supposed to others only rely on the bank?