In Today’s News writing Gymnasiekommissionen, which will present proposals for the school’s future direction, if an image of a school structure, a new role as a teacher, quality checks, that the students should be seen as individuals and, ultimately, if that business should operate vocational programs. It is good, but the commission misses two important points. The need for a national initiative and regional coordination for Sweden to get vocational training in the top class.

today is upper secondary vocational programmes in crisis. Too few choose to become machine operators, construction workers or sheet metal workers, professionals needed for us to continue to develop Sweden. In our industry, the mechanical contractors (ME), we run excavators and wheel loaders, maintains roads and railways, pull, tow, and clearing snow, the situation is acute. We have a whole generation that is entering retirement. As luck would have it, many have chosen to work on, it is important as those coming out of training are far fewer than those who pass pensionsstrecket. It does not hold in the long run, particularly as we have planned maintenance and new investments in infrastructure on a level never seen before.

theoretical programmes that lead straight out into unemployment. It is a disaster for society and for individuals. It is the result of the vocational programmes for many years been the bottom in terms of resources and attention for the benefit of the theoretical program, where young people piloted by unsuspecting practitioners.

the vocational programmes are expensive training – if one only values the actions aimed at improving marketing and not the result, that is to say that students get jobs after the training. This has led to a number of municipalities have put into their training, despite a strong demand from the labour market.

in Order to develop the vocational education and to make them more attractive, it requires a national effort and a national focus that clarifies their significance. The need for a regional coordination to create schools with a elevunderlag and an economic base that allows them to offer the latest technology and the best teachers. It is also needed, which Gymnasiekommissionen writes, a strong cooperation between the business community and the base. ME bet and build their own schools – so far eight of them – but politicians and skolansvariga must also take responsibility for developing future vocational education programs. We should not only educate for today, we shall educate the skilled professionals needed by 2030.