got for the First time, greater attention to the student Greta Thunberg from Stockholm, as they began just before the Swedish parliamentary elections, to play hooky every Friday, the school to demonstrate in front of the Parliament for the protection of the climate. Global awareness is now by your speech at the UN climate summit in Katowice. In Berlin and Brandenburg, the activist has inspired now many young and older people and enabled. Here is her complete speech to the world policy at the climate summit in 2018 in German Translation:

“My Name is Greta Thunberg. I’m 15 years old and come from Sweden. I am speaking on behalf of Climate Justice Now. Many people believe that Sweden is a small country and it is not important what we do. But I have learned that one is never too small to make a big difference. If a couple of kids manage to not get headlines throughout the world by simply going to school, then imagine what we could achieve anything if we really wanted to. But to do that, we need to talk clear text, no matter how uncomfortable that is.

you speak only of eternal economic growth, because they are afraid to be unpopular. You always talk of it to continue with the same bad ideas that brought us to this plight. It would be the Sensible thing to pull the emergency brake. You are not Mature enough to formulate it that way. Even this burden you left for us children. To me it is not to be known. To me it’s about climate justice and a livable planet. Our civilization is being sacrificed for the chances of a small group of people who want to earn more and more money. Our biosphere is sacrificed so that people in countries like mine, in luxury the rich can live. It is the Suffering of the Many for the luxury of the Few to pay.

2078 I’m going to my 75. Birthday parties. When I have children, they might spend the day with me. Maybe you will ask me according to them. Maybe you will ask, why have you done nothing about it, although there’s still time. You say that you love your children more than anything else, but at the same time you steal their future, in front of the eyes. Up to the time that you begin to focus on what needs to be done and not what is politically possible, there will be no hope.

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We can’t solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis. We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground. We need to focus on justice. If it is impossible to find solutions in the existing System, should we change the System itself. We didn’t come here to beg in front of the world politicians is that they care. You have ignored us in the past and they will ignore us again. Us the excuses, time is running out! We have come here to inform you that a change is coming, whether you like it or not. The real Power belongs to the people. Thank You Very Much.“

“Fridays for Future Berlin with Greta!” continues the call for a strike by the Swede, Greta Thunberg.Photo: RubyImages/F. Boillot

Videos of the speech have, in the meantime, more than 300,000 clicks on Youtube. The Swede has called in addition, students around the world to do the same and to demonstrate on Friday in front of city halls and Parliament buildings against climate change. Under the Hashtag #Friday forfuture further protests are organized.

What students

you shake want. Because the Incredible seems to take its course – mankind creates, it is obvious in the transmission of the everyday Stress, to stop further global warming at last. “We must ensure that earth remains habitable. And that is the responsibility of this Generation,“ said the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD) after the adoption of the rulebook on the of many as to short-covering criticized the climate summit in 2018 in Poland. It will continue to encounter more rather than less greenhouse gases. So about 300 students from Berlin and Brandenburg last Friday, responded to the call of the “Fridays for Future”. On 21.12. again, there is the “#climate strike” at the Bundestag from 10 to 12 o’clock, to the implementation of “#Paris agreement” request, writes the Twitter Initiative “#Friday forfuture”.

What Teens want

A future on this earth, with its diversity of species, without ongoing sea level rise, increasing extreme weather, and feared a mass migration in a few decades. Opportunities to get involved, there are many, even without violating the compulsory education.,

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15-Year-old environmental activist Greta Thunberg calls for student strike against climate change

Susanne Ehlerding

In Katowice in Poland had negotiated at the beginning of December and until last week, almost 200 countries at the climate summit on a set of rules for the implementation of the Paris climate agreement. The core objective is to limit global warming to well below two degrees. The agreements have been criticized by environmental groups as not enough; the emission of greenhouse gases to take place.