The Left group in the Bundestag calls for a comprehensive reappraisal of the colonial past in Germany and calls for a stronger commitment of the Federal government. That colonial crimes such as the genocide of the Herero and Nama were ever addressed in society, be so far, thanks to civil society initiatives and organisations in the black Community in Germany, stated in the Preface to a request of the Left-the Deputy Brigitte free hold and others (for the entire Small request, it goes here). The Federal government, but a private concept is lacking for the reappraisal of the colonial period in the academic and political education.
In reply, announced the Federal government publications of the Federal centre for political education on topics such as “post-colonialism, and global history”. Specifically, according to the measures for work-up in demand, reference is made to the exhibitions of the Federal-funded museums such as the German Historical Museum. In particular, the Berlin-based Humboldt Forum, which is scheduled to open in 2019 in part, “regarded it as an important task, to carry the German colonial history awareness of the Public,” it says.
criticism of the lack of documentation of the colonial crimes
the planned cooperation with partners from countries such as Namibia and Tanzania, is Called, in order to clarify the origin of the collection objects. An active focus for colonial reappraisal in the curricula of schools and universities, the Federal government rejects with reference to the cultural sovereignty of the Länder, however.
criticism of the Left is also a lack of documentation of colonial crimes. So the Federal government is neither known how many people were recruited from the former colonies, for war, relevant assignments, even how many people of colonial violence crime or were convicted.
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progress, the Federal government looks at the provenance research: the Foundation of Prussian cultural possession in 2018 and could create six additional jobs and the German center for cultural property losses, to promote from this year, the Cutting of the colonial provenance in public collections. Brigitte free hold, the memory expert, the link group, but calls for a uniform, nation-wide cataloguing of provenance. This would be urgently necessary, “to rest is to bring itutionen finally and to make it easier”.