Dumber it would not run: a Few weeks before the Migros chooses a new President, makes arch-rival Coop with the great women-Coup: Ex-Federal councillor Doris Leuthard – probably the most popular Magistratin, ever, and will move into the Board of Directors of the Basel retail giant.

once Again, the competitor of Migros is dynamic. And with a subject with which he has up to now not really profiled: advanced gender politics. The of Hansueli Loosli Chairman of the group performs with a women’s quota of 50 percent of the Board of Directors. In the seven-man Executive Committee, only men are sitting, however, until today – for a company of the Size of the Coops that seems inappropriate.

However, Hansueli Loosli has shown with the staff of a political move, once again, that he has an instinct for the Moment and no scruples to use his network of relationships in its favor – even if he’s under the suspicion of nepotism. If a Person from the Format Leuthards for directorships is free, and knock the companies in the rule immediately.

Loosli took advantage of his tight wire to Leuthard

The CVP-politician, was also on the wish list of the Migros. Three independent sources confirm that Migros-chief Fabrice Zumbrunnen at the Federal councillor discreetly trying to figure out whether you have an interest in the released by the Bureau of Migros. At the time, Leuthard was still in office, had announced her resignation. There had been a conversation among four eyes between the two, so a trusted source.

Leuthard also has quite narrow wires for the Migros. But presumably the plans between Leuthard and Hansueli Loosli already in an advanced stage. Or the full-blood politician, had concerns, the risk of the voting procedure, the Migros. With this Ex-SBB is now Manager Jeannine Pilloud confronted, the candidate for the Migros Bureau. At Migros, we do not want to comment on.

what is Clear is that Hansueli Loosli had the best conditions to win Leuthards favor. As Chairman of the Board of the Swisscom he had to compete regularly with his Boss, the Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications Board. In such conversations, you get to know well.

Leuthard seemed to be the dominant Loosli in any case always well-disposed. You let the strong communication Manager able to assume the President’s chair in the case of Swisscom, and so – together with his Coop-mandate – a difficult constellation. About Leuthards uncritical attitude, people wondered back then, in 2011, also in the case of Migros, which is one of the largest customers of Swisscom. The Anger was so great that then-President Claude Hauser wrote a letter to Leuthard, in the Migros expressed their concerns and possible conflicts of interest of Loosli’s attention.

Delicate cooperation and the loss of millions

it has Availed little. The shirt-sleeved Manager was installed and offered in the series from time to time attack surface because of its power to Metropolitan areas – and because of repeated Deals between Swisscom and Coop. Most recently in early January: Coop Mobile announced the exchange of Salt to the Swisscom network. Such large customer contracts typically have a multi-year duration and a defined exit possibility. In the case of Coop, it was called, and Loosli had on the exchange decision no impact.

A bitter taste in my mouth left behind, the Internet-were house Siroop. Under Loosli an expensive Online built trading platform with Coop and Swisscom as the main shareholders. The project flopped and made a loss of 140 million francs, which must be shared equally between the two former partners split. In the last fiscal year of the Coop, the debacle caused a copyist of 35 million Swiss francs. And it caused political repercussions in the Form of an Interpellation of SVP councillor Alex Kuprecht, the information to Looslis double role in the thing demanded.

Also since the state government took under the guidance of Leuthard of the Coop and Swisscom-Boss out of the line of fire: “The Federal Council does not recognize any connection between the failure of Siroop, and the mandate of the Chairman of the Board of Swisscom, Coop. The Federal Council assumes that, in the event of possible conflicts of interest in connection with Siroop came the usual recusal rules of the Board of Directors of Swisscom.”

The Era of business leaders Loosli is coming to an end.

Now, it seems, have returned the favor Hansueli Loosli, by offering Leuthard to the Board at Coop and daughter Bell. But this seems to be only the first step. A simple membership does not suit a woman with Leuthards performance – especially since it was offered in the Migros the Bureau. Also, the Coop Board of Directors is weights no accumulation of economic difficult. The Supreme Supervisory body and the management are clearly dominated by the President. Loosli sits in the Coop in the single Committee, the Board of Directors. At Swisscom, he is perceived also as an active and strong President.

But the Era of powerful business leader is coming to an end. Looslis tenure at Coop ends in 2021. Then he will be 65. The age of retirement and in accordance with the articles of Association. The same is true for the current Vice-President.

Then the Moment should have come from Doris Leuthard. Coop doesn’t want to comment on what features will take over the Ex-Federal councillor of the Board of Directors. However, Loosli has a Plan.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 03.03.2019, 07:10 PM