Together, the four will also pay a compensation of approximately seven million. The district court sentenced nine alleged assistants, which is not performed assistansarbete, for bidragsbrott and the case against three alleged assistants were dismissed.

the Court of appeal judge as many – but shed a who was acquitted by the district court and the friar one of the persons who were convicted by the district court. In one case, a different legal assessment, and in the other made another valuation of the evidence.

as in the district court, which means that some assistants may be sentenced to imprisonment of around one year, while the majority is sentenced to probation. Together with the chief of the fathers shall they judged the assistants respond for damages in its different parts, according to the ruling.

“The ban on commercial activities as the district court decided for one of the principals and the corporate fine of three million crowns assistansbolaget was sentenced to also stand firm,” writes the court of appeal in a press release.