(Obi.en): Apple had operating revenues in 2017 of 229,2 billion dollars. As to the current dollar equivalent of 1900 billion.

Figures for 2018 will be ready in a few weeks and it was growth in this year’s nine first months of the year end operating revenues of 270 billion dollars, equivalent to barely 2.240 billion.

In the national budget for 2019 is the total revenue from the petroleum industry, the returns from its oil wealth, taxes and fees and another in Norway on the 1430,4 billion. Of this constitute the oil revenues 312,8 billion.

Profit of 480 billion

Apple, with its more than 123 000 full-time employees, had a profit after tax of 48,35 billion dollars in 2017, the equivalent of 400 billion to the current dollar rate.

About a couple of weeks we get the numbers for the entire fiscal year. Was a much improved performance for the fiscal year in the first nine months, ended the year with a profit of around 58 billion dollars, the equivalent of 480 billion.

For AS Norway, with its 5.3 million innyggere and almost 2.7 million employees, budsjetterer the government next year with a profit of 279 billion. It is approximately a doubling from last year, but it can be over 40 billion better off if the price of oil continues to remain as high as now. While the government believe on an oil price of 583 million next year is now around 690 million.

Apple vs Norway

as To the current dollar rate, Apple has already in the year total operating revenue that is 57 per cent higher than Norway’s total revenue next year.

the Profits at Apple are at the same time 73 percent larger than the Norwegian surplus on the national budget for next year.

Apple’s market capitalisation is currently at 1100 billion dollars, equivalent to 9100 billion. It is also not so far away from what the government now think its oil wealth will be worth at the end of next year.

Without a comparison, incidentally, has the Norwegian its oil wealth, which by the end of the year owned just under 1 per cent of the Apple, in day, a value of 8 395 billion.

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