Despite the political tensions between the United States and Cuba, the telephone company of the socialist Caribbean island (Etecsa) and U.S. want to Internet group Google, the chances for cooperation to explore. The two companies signed on Thursday a Declaration of intent. Thus, Etecsa and Google take up negotiations about a merger of their networks (Peering). Thus, the Internet in Cuba is to be improved.

The cooperation will start as soon as technical conditions allow. “The signing of the Declaration of intent is evidence that US companies are still interested in doing business with Etecsa,” it said in a communication to the state group.

“We have established a working group of engineers from Etecsa and Google, in order to examine the possibilities for the exchange and analyze it,” said the Google representative in Cuba, Board mother-of-pearl. The Initiative will allow “a more efficient use of our international Internet capacity,” said Luis Adolfo Iglesias of Etecsa.

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just last December, Cuba had the use of mobile Internet connections for private individuals. Around two million of the eleven million Cubans have signed up for the service. (dpa)

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