It was a may 1 sometime in the 90’s. I seem to remember it was the left party youth wing, which marched past and chanted:
– No maids for the upper class – let them clean their own dassen!
As a political slogan, it might not be the best worded, but pretty funny anyway. But what it shows is that it has come to be called for household services was an explosive issue in Sweden for 20 to 25 years ago.
Read more: Soon raised rutavdraget – it applies here and so are you affected
the socialists ‘ economic seminar in Almedalen in the summer of 1993. The economist Anne-Marie Pålsson found that a deduction for household-related services would provide meaningful employment to the unemployed, at the same time that the buyer could concentrate on what he was best at. Hjärnkirurger to operate, not clean the house – so about let the argument.
unlike most other european countries, Sweden had no big market for that type of service. Citizens cleaned their own homes and went down in the working hours to be able to downloaded the kids earlier from daycare. The homeowners cleaned their own gutters, passed the trees and cut lawns.
A possible answer is that during the long socialist regeringsinnehavet 1932-76 grew a strong jämställdhetsnorm. It was simply a breach of the norm that someone else cleaned your own home.
High taxes gave a comprehensive public welfare, but also made it difficult for a common household to hire private services.
Raised ruttak: ”We think that it is something they can treat themselves to.”
That is to say; Sweden had no big white market household services. However, there was a black such even if the size of the obvious reasons, was difficult to appreciate.
a Few years after Rutavdraget introduced in 2007, evaluated the Tax impact of the reform on the black market. They found that it had had the desired effect – svartjobben decreased.
a heavy argument for the amount of the reduction of the defender, as it provides a more secure terms of employment for those who perform the services.
But the criticism of both the rut and the rot is left. There are studies which show that it is relatively affluent as most use the deductions. ”A lyxavdrag for the rich” as a trade union activist called it.
The red-green government cut also rut-the amount of the reduction ceiling of sek 50,000 to 25,000 in 2016, among other things, with distributional arguments.
It is not likely that the government had agreed to raise it again if it were not for the januariavtalet with the Centre party and the Liberals. The dividing line between those who like the deduction, and those who abhor it, goes roughly along the old blockgränsen.
So expect to battle if the rut will continue.