In the year to over eight million people declare in Sweden, the highest figure to date, and approximately 100,000 more than in the previous year.

declaring the digital by 2 april, without making any changes or additions, can get any tax refund already during the second week of april, between 9 and 12 april.

Approximately three million declarants receive his declaration form, in digital form via a digital mailbox. Others receive a paper form home during the period 15 march–15 april.

you get the form, can all declare digital, ” says Johan Schauman, deklarationsexpert on the Tax.

– anyone can declare digital, both those who approve and those who shall alter or add to the data, Last year declared more than four out of five digitally, he says, according to a press release.

His colleague, Anna Sjöberg points to another advantage of declaring the digital.

– The declaring digital even get a confirmation that the declaration is filed, which many people think feels safe. You declare digitally via the Swedish Tax agency’s app or e-services. Using telephone or sms, you can also simply approve the declaration, ” she says.

with data as the Tax received from employers, banks and Insurance. But it is important that the declare itself controls the data; the error occurs after all.

If something is wrong or missing you should contact the person who made the kontrolluppgiften. Then you should correct the inaccurate information. On the paper made it through the incorrect information is deleted and the correct one is entered next.

If you have new information digitally, you must accept the declaration of the Tax app, or through the work e-services.

the previous payment of the bonus for pappersdeklaranter. The one that makes it later than the other may can get the money in June, instead of, as previously, in August.

Even business owners who declare on paper can get the return in June, instead of previously in september.

another innovation is that from this year going to use the Swish for to pay the back taxes.

this Year’s deklarationsperiod opens at 07:00 on 19 march and the declaration shall be submitted by 2 may.

Read also: Digital mailboxes. So do they work .