The restaurateurs are preparing to resume their activity, by removing tables. In the green zones, the first will re-open on 2 June ; the others are still waiting to be fixed on their fate. The space to reserve between each client had become the number one challenge of the re-opening. For health reasons, the government argued for two meters, a perimeter of 4 square meters per customer, such as in offices. Under the pressure of professionals, represented by Sébastien Bazin, CEO of Accor, the space has been reduced to a meter.

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An agreement has been reached this weekend. It opens the way to a recovery, even difficult. “Since the beginning, the restaurateurs offer a distance of one metre between each client,” says Hubert Jan, head of restoration at the Umih. The scientific Council had been lobbying the government for this to be 2 meters. This requirement prevented the professionals re-open it, killing them economically. The good sense of each other has prevailed.”

With a meter of distance, one can estimate that the professionals will lose between 40% and 50% of sales

Hubert Jan, charge of catering to the Umih

restore table service is essentially made up of small establishments: 90 % the activity is performed by firms with less than ten employees, which have small surfaces. “With one meter of distance, one can estimate that the professionals will lose between 40% and 50% of sales, calculates Hubert Jan. Restaurateurs who are in the tourist areas will be able to reopen. In large urban areas such as Paris, many wait for September.”

Charlottes and white gloves

At the approach of summer, take the risk that a large number of facilities do not have interest to reopen would have had a devastating effect on tourism. The government has encouraged the French book in France. If they are concerned that the restaurants, even in mountain resorts and seaside resorts remain closed, it will be a disaster.

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a Lot of jobs are at stake. Alone, the profession employs 830.000 people in 206.800 cafes, bars and restaurants. Shutdown since 14 march, she lives in infusion of aid (partial unemployment, loans guaranteed by the State, deferrals and cancellations of charges, etc.) The recovery plan for 18 billion euros of government must help to avoid bankruptcy. But there will be.

Despite their differences, small independents such as large groups have proposed a protocol déconfinement common, with rules of good conduct health. To reassure customers, it must ensure a level of hygiene, but make it so that going to the restaurant remains a delight…

” see also – The restaurateurs are they victims of an injustice?