the Moderates and the social democrats have historically taken the joint responsibility of the Swedish migration policy. But in recent decades, this consensus has been replaced by a jerky and closest principlös policy, wishful thinking and half-baked compromises. The culmination was in the autumn of 2015, when the 163 000 people for a year sought asylum in Sweden, and it became obvious that Sweden is not capable of the task.

thus, There are reasons for the political soul-searching in many quarters. But above all, we now have a national responsibility to look forward and find a way back to a long-term sustainable policies.

We have also repeatedly called for a broad parliamentary investigation, which provides the policy broad support in the riksdag and the broad respect of the Swedish people.

With the base in the consensus that really, and a long time between the Moderates and the social democrats, would be a serious investigation could be the beginning of a broad and long-term consensus across blockgränserna in a matter of key national importance.

The fundamental question is how we in Sweden should be able to take our share of responsibility for the people in distress in a broken world, but at the same time be able to take full responsibility for how it then goes in our own country?

The question has not been asked, and even less answered. Instead, the political contingencies made Sweden’s migration policy to a patchwork that almost nobody respects, but that further exacerbate our severe integration problems.

januariöverenskommelse now have the conditions for good solutions deteriorated further. A parliamentary committee is certainly one of the points in the agreement, but migration minister Morgan Johansson announcing already now that it will be a slim and ambitionslös investigation that only takes on a few issues.

This is serious. Sweden may not once again lose control over the reception of refugees. Not least because we already have a formidable task in integrating the several hundred thousand people who have already come to our country the last decade. The task becomes only possible to solve with a tight immigration policy for a long time to come. Sweden’s integration problems must, therefore, be an important starting value for a new migration policy. Migration and integration belong simply together.

the Government must therefore provide the parliamentary investigation directive that will take the hard questions seriously. Directive that provides the conditions for broad parliamentary majorities, the Sweden both have humanitarian responsibilities, and get a working integration of the people who come here.

We conservatives will come with full force to participate in such a parliamentary investigative work and contribute constructively to solutions that are good for Sweden. But it requires that the ambition really is to the long-term problem solving.

1 Återvändandefrågorna. Tens of thousands of people staying in the day of illegal stay in Sweden. Only this year and next year is the Swedish migration board to submit over 20 000 cases to the Police. It is about people who themselves refuse to contribute to their return. The police have difficult to enforce the expulsion order, and many of those who leave the country are disappearing instead into a growing skuggsamhälle. The development must be stopped. A no should be a no. A functioning return policy is quite crucial for the Swedish migration long-term credibility.

2 , Enhance the status of citizenship. There are new legislation on Swedish citizenship, which is equivalent to that in comparable countries, and that contributes to good integration. The road to citizenship has become an important part of the way into the Swedish society. It’s all about the extended times to be able to become a Swedish citizen, the demands on skills in Swedish language and about how Swedish society works, as well as the possibility to revoke citizenship on the terroristbrottslighet.

3 family Reunification. as a result of januariöverenskommelsen now runs the government on its own in a more generous direction for family reunification. We have a lot of respect for the families ‘ desire for reunification. However, the agreement will mean more immigrant family members and the number of new asylum-seekers, and, above all, a message to the world that Sweden will return to a more generous immigration policy than other countries. Germany and Denmark continue, on the contrary, with austerity measures in this area. The migration policy is ill-suited for unthinking mere symbolic policies right now.

4 Qualification in welfare. Historically based the Swedish välfärdsförmånerna to live and work in Sweden and pay taxes here. If you do you should also have full rights. Those who come to Sweden should gradually be entitled to various grants and social benefits, as you work, pay taxes and become a Swedish citizen. The link between migration, integration and the Swedish welfare systems have thus become stronger. It is both reasonable and fair. Sweden should be a society where we take care of each other, but where everyone is also expected to contribute.

such A should be about citizenship issues, and another for qualification to the welfare system. The investigation must not be a pretext for not taking action that is possible here and now, for example, for what the government can immediately do to improve their return. For example, it is more förvarsplatser or clearer mission for the police.

these are no simple questions. However, Sweden should remain a country that is open to the outside world, they are simply necessary to take hold of. Migration policy could create serious integration problems and the risks that continue to paralyze the american policy. The next migrationsutredningen becomes seriously is therefore crucial for Research participation. We take responsibility for Sweden will find their way back to a long-term, sustainable migration policy. But we will not participate in a charade that most aim to handle januariöverenskommelsens inherent political tensions.

A responsible Swedish migration policy is a matter of course. With a base in the consensus that really, and a long time between the Moderates and the social democrats, would be a serious investigation could be the beginning of a broad and long-term consensus across blockgränserna in a matter of key national importance. But this requires much higher ambitions than the government has so far presented.