Many people we meet want a strong social democracy, but more and more ask themselves what social democracy stands for. At the same time as the IMF and the OECD show growing economic disparities, are negative for economic growth and create unstable democracies, we can conclude that widened the gap even when the social democrats have been in power.

Now leads the social democrats, a government that is based on a mittensamarbete where many proposals that should be implemented is not in line with what the social democrats want. There is a significant risk that the development continues in completely the wrong direction, which among other LO-economists highlighted. The now emerging political situation makes it more urgent than on the decades of social-democracy, to uphold your own idea and policy development.

We propose a pensionslyft sek 5,000 per month for those with the lowest incomes.

We are convinced that it is in the economic policy framework is put everything else that we are passionate about: a safe and good school for all children, a care that is good enough, a decent and sustainable migration policy, a society characterized by freedom for all, and with the gaze directed towards the world.

Reformers presents today a whole programme for a new economic policy, a stronger social democracy and a better Sweden. The program has seven points:

1 the New economic policy, a reformed economic policy framework for full employment, public investment and the strengthening of the welfare state. the Unemployment rate is permanent with the current framework and the ability to cope with rapid societal changes depending on the climate or the migration flows is weak. Opportunities to invest in the necessary infrastructure, is strongly inhibited by the current arrangements. Systemic domination is monumental.

The public should get a greater freedom of action, to enhance gender equality, ensure the Swedish economy and national security. Investments are separated in our program from operating expenses in the state budget, the surplus target for central government finances are to be scrapped and start-up costs for the newly arrived citizens to be treated as investments. We also suggest the establishment of a state investment bank for the investment equivalent of a year’s GDP that Sweden needs to make the next decade in the new housing, green infrastructure, and stronger welfare of the whole country. The riksbank should include an employment target in the monetary policy and to introduce an electronic crown for turning the power out of the hands of a banking system which is now directly samhällsskadligt.

2 New tax system: a tax reform for greater equity and expanded public sector. the Starting point is that the working and middle class pay a large part of the pie in relation to shareholders and the financial elite.

in Order to secure a long-term stable and increased funding for public activity, and increased smoothing of disposable income, we suggest the increased and uniform capital taxes, the introduction of a property tax, an inheritance and gift tax, unified vat, the removal of interest deductibility for mortgage loans and an intensified fight against tax evasion. State revenues would with our proposal to increase by around 3 per cent of gdp per year.

3 New pension systems: higher incomes and strengthened the security for the pensioners. Sweden has too many poor people, the elderly, of which two-thirds are women. We propose a pensionslyft of 5 000 sek per month for those with the lowest incomes. In our proposal, will receive one and a half million pensioners substantially the height of both income-based.

4 New social housing policy: state responsibility for housing provision. The almost non-existent competition in the banking, real estate and construction sectors, in combination with local and state action in the land use and samhällsplaneringsfrågor, creates a permanent shortage of housing in our country. In order to achieve the obvious goal of adequate housing for all requires around the 800,000 new homes by the year 2030. We propose new forms of state, regional and municipal cooperation in construction and land use issues. We propose that the state investment bank gives out bonds for the financing of the green industrial building. We propose the establishment of a state construction and real estate company that is based primarily on land that the state already owns.

5 New democratized working life: shorter working hours, and strengthened the influence of wage and salary earners. the world of Work is precarious and dangerous for many in Sweden and the power over the economy is increasingly concentrated to a few. The foundation to a safe and secure work for all and a more democratic influence over the economy is to create full employment. We propose a short-time working gradually down to 35 hours per week while protecting a reliable supply. We also propose the strengthening of löntagarinflytande and employee ownership.

6 the New welfare and regional policy: the capped conditions of life and equitable welfare of the whole country. The Swedish government’s ability to maintain the equivalence and equality throughout the country is circumscribed by lack of resources, privatisation, kvasimarknader and sometimes directly offensive to the control and management methods in the public sector.

For the state to enforce a level playing field for citizens across the country, we suggest that vinstdrift in publicly funded välfärdsverksamhet be stopped, the municipal equalisation system is made with a view to a uniform income tax, and that all samhällsbärande infrastructure shall be owned by the public.

7 New green reformism: state-driven klimatomställning and green industrial development. global warming and The collapsing biological diversity together constitute the existential threat. To make the change to a sustainable society requires a omställningsråd directly under the prime minister, and massive public investments in new technology, transport, construction, agriculture and kolinfångning. It requires more stringent legislation and respect for science. But it’s absolutely vital is that the conversion goes hand in hand with a more equitable society.

It is formulated in accordance with european legislation and directives. It goes together on the last line. But most importantly for us, the socialist reformists is that it increases equality between people. The only way we will be free together.

the Reformers have, in a short time collected a little over a hundred members around the program that we are presenting here. We are all socialists who are committed to develop the ideas and the concrete reforms for a more equitable society that challenges both the extreme market liberalism and the growing far-right extremism.

the Party leadership must take responsibility for regeringsöverenskommelsen during the term of office. We intend to work actively for the party must bring himself to develop an independent policy that really improves the lives of ordinary human beings and everyday life. We welcome all who want to join and create a stronger social democracy which, once again, win the elections and build a progressive future for Sweden.