the Swedish school is permeated by an unhealthy dokumentationskultur. It shows a new survey by the teachers ‘ association, conducted in collaboration with Novus.

the Situation has escalated so far that close to 4 out of 10 teachers say that they are considering leaving the profession because of the documentation requirements. It is absurd that the Swedish school byråkratiserats to the extent that the consequence risk to be additional teacher shortage. Already taken 65.000 teachers and preschool teachers.

today, However, steals the documentation of valuable time from the planning of the teaching and has become a serious occupational health problems. 6 out of 10 teachers believe that lower documentation requirements is the most important measure to reduce the workload.

in Addition to providing a written judgement about pupils ‘ achievement should the documentation also be able to help the teacher to get answers to questions such as: Have students learned enough in the current areas? Led the chosen methods of working to the desired results?

But as many as 4 out of 10 teachers have rarely or never the time to follow up on their documentation and just slightly more than 1 out of 10 have time to do it regularly. The documentation has a limited significance, when teachers develop their teaching.

36 percent of the teachers report that they need to establish an individual development plan is also for students who may score, despite the fact that lagkravet been abolished several years ago.

In place is a significant part of the documentation of the day are made to keep your back free and to protect themselves in their profession. It turns out that more than 6 out of 10 teachers are documenting more than they need, for fear of being challenged by the pupils ‘ parents. It is a attention-grabbing results.

There can be several reasons to it, but it should be relevant for the guardian’s attitude to the school is located in a marknadsliknande situation with free school choice. Parents have begun to behave as customers.

It is well coated in the research that the relationship teacher-student as well as parents ‘engagement in the learning process play a major role in students’ learning outcomes, as. Teachers are aware of this. If parents and teachers end up in conflict can the learner’s motivation to reduce and thereby increase the risk that the results deteriorate. Teachers would like to avoid such a scenario. The solution is to have extensive documentation to support their assessments in order to fend off any conflicts with the guardians.

There is a significantly more extensive documentation than what is needed to be functional for the pupils ‘ learning.

To this should be added to the number of notifications to the Inspectorate increases. The year 2016 was added to 4.792 notifications, 2017 was added 5.013 and 2018 entire 5.090. In our survey, 43 percent of the teachers that they document more than what is needed because of the risk of being reported to the schools Inspectorate.

Furthermore, it is surprising that 36% of teachers report that they need to establish an individual development plan is also for students who may score, despite the fact that lagkravet been abolished several years ago. There is also no författningskrav to document additional adjustments for students who may score. In spite of it states 9 out of 10 of the teachers at the high school need to document these adaptations.

teachers have a manageable workload that they have time to document more than what is required in the regulations.

9 of 10 primary and 8 out of 10 secondary school teachers say they would like to use the time in the day to be used by documentation to the planning of the teaching. This suggests that teachers need to have more time to implement well-planned lessons, make adjustments to the current group and to the students who need extra support.

A meaningful documentation in a reasonable quantity may of course be a tool that provides guidance for the learning process. But 82 percent of the teachers respond that the extent of the documentation of the day makes them stressed. The entire 77 per cent believe that the requirements help to reduce job satisfaction. The figures are alarming and show that the documentation of the school has become an end in itself.

Lärarprofessionens needs get shape the systems and procedures, not the other way around. It is time for politicians at both the national and municipal level to start clearing in the extensive dokumentationsflora that today is teachers ‘ everyday lives.

the Union of municipalities requires:

1 To the government appoints an investigation in order to clear in the school laws, regulations and regulatory documents so that documentation requirements are reduced to a minimum. For example should the number of mandatory performance reviews reduce to once per academic year, and in general give the teacher the right to assess whether more is necessary.

2 To the notification system for deaf children in a first step, to be changed, so that a notification is always handled by the principal first. Only if the notifier is not satisfied will get the notification then go to the Inspectorate. In a second step should Skolinspektionens mission to be reviewed in detail. The mission of the day is too narrowly focused on control and compliance. With a more tillitsbaserad governance, the authority can be asked to identify good examples and to have a more supportive role in the relationship to the principals. It will also be useful in a regionalised’.

3 To all skolhuvudmän see the local documentation requirements in order to remove anything that is not found in the state regulations. Sharpen the division of responsibilities between the state and the principals so that no principal may impose additional requirements on the documentation than that provided for in the laws, regulations and other governmental regulations.

Tillitsdelegationen its huvudbetänkande to the government . The delegation notes that the control and governance of publicly funded business from the 1980s onwards has led to increased control and scrutiny, with the result that professional practitioners such as teachers with less perplexity over his work.

the Delegation argues – with the strong support of research – for the more private room for manoeuvre for the teaching profession. The government has not reported how or if it intends to proceed with the delegation’s conclusions. An important first step ought to be to the government cleans up in the unhealthy dokumentationsbördan. What we teachers need is more confidence and less constraint so that we can put time on it as it is best for our students.