the security service’s mission is to protect Sweden and our democracy, and people’s lives. But our ability to do this has eroded. At the same time, as both the threat from the foreign power that the threat from terrorism has become more comprehensive, the legislation has lagged behind. There are several suggestions that would render the us the ability – in all cases part of the capacity – which we in the past have had. These need to be implemented quickly, otherwise the risk is large that serious crime can not be prevented.

this is some example of real intelligence or a tip that the secret Police handles:

the secret Police receive information that a famous ICE-connected person who is behind several attacks in hiding somewhere in Sweden.

A person with unknown identity is said to want to use hand grenades against certain named persons.

the secret Police receives a tip that a person is producing a bomb and detonating it against a target in Sweden.

A designated person is suspected of spying on behalf of another country. It is not known who or what that person has contact with.

We handle the information about the concrete attentatshot an average of every other day. These threats often have to be assessed under strong time pressure.

the security police’s task is to keep Sweden safe, and we are working around the clock to collect, evaluate and follow up the information regarding our intelligence. We can conclude that the threats against Sweden are more extensive than for several years. It is about both the threat from foreign powers and the threat from terrorism, which has taken new forms.

at the same time as the threat has changed, the legislation has lagged behind. There are several suggestions that needs to be translated into legislation. Among them is the proposal that would give Police the right to take part of the information from the signal intelligence even during the ongoing investigation, and – after this is implemented the proposal on the law on criminal liability for participation in terrorist organisations.

But at least equally important for the security police’s operational ability are two other suggestions:

Regulation of telecom operators ‘ data storage

the Ability to use the secret serial data

Sweden’s need for a modern and fair legal regulation in these areas is acute and very real.

A very large part of the security police’s intelligence and investigation work requires that we can quickly get to know where, when and how different brottsaktiva individuals have communicated with each other, and was they then found themselves. We can get by taking part of the data from the operator data storage. But then, a judgement in the EUROPEAN court of justice in 2016, operators have largely stopped systematically store such information. Today, we can never be sure what data we can get access to, if any at all. And they get the data that we receive is both less structured and of poorer quality than they were before. This has already had serious consequences for the security police work.

today, we can never be sure what data we can get access to, if any at all. And they get the data that we receive is both less structured and of poorer quality than they were before. This has already had serious consequences for the security police work.

Also the contacts with other countries are suffering when we can not assist with find English links to international terrorism and other crime. It also has implications for the investigations of a foreign power, illegal activities against Sweden, which in plain language means that the spies will find it easier to operate in our country. Similarly hampered efforts to track the hacking against the Swedish old-growth businesses.

A state investigation ( SOU 2017:75) proposed in October 2017, the regulatory framework around data retention for law enforcement purposes would be tightened. The secret police have criticised parts of the proposal, inter alia, to communication in fixed network would be exempt from the storage requirements, and to inadequate retention periods. All, however, is better than the current situation. It is therefore important that the forthcoming government and the newly elected parliament will take the issue as soon as possible. At the same time must work to get to a reasonable legal framework surrounding data retention on the EU level continue to be driven by force.

used when brottsaktiva våldsbejakande extremists are planning to for example, kill his opponents, when secret service agents will contact their sources to get information about Swedish interests, or when the terrorists are planning a large-scale attack against civilians. The technology has been developed. Today are widely used in various digital services and apps where the communication is encrypted and anonymized.

because of The encryption, the secret Police, read by less than one-tenth of the communications that we have the court’s permission, and that we need to be able to fulfil our mission. Technological development is in many parts positive and has resulted in amazing opportunities for communication. But the ability to anonymise and encrypt is also used extensively by criminals.

In november 2017, presented a proposal on the secret serial data ( SOU 2017:89), which would give the security service the opportunity to take part of the communication before it is encrypted. The proposal has not yet led to legislation. Also in this case, it is of the utmost importance to Sweden’s future government acts promptly and to the parliament decides on the proposed changes, ” the situation is urgent.

Respecting privacy is a must in our democratic society. Utredningsförslagen have made the trade-offs required for that privacy to be maintained.

perceptions of the Threat to Sweden has changed. The security service does not call for extended powers. We are calling for powers to carry out our mission so that we could in the past, before operators stopped to systematically store data for law enforcement purposes, and before the development of technology ran away from the law. Investigations are made and proposals are presented. Every day and in hundreds of cases, the negative effects of the current lack of regulations. It is urgent to get new legislation in place.