How can more people get the opportunity that raw themselves in their own home and maybe enjoy the apples from the garden? These are questions that policy today, unfortunately, devote themselves for a bit.

In international comparison, Sweden has low ambitions for social housing policy. This applies not least to owner-occupier programme accommodation, which gradually seems to become ever more reserved for those who themselves, or through their parents, have good access to capital. Thinly capitalised households with lower, but stable, income, may, however, increasingly difficult to enter the ownership housing market. It is deeply problematic.

It is incomprehensible, given that it is a form of housing with more expensive housing costs over time, where the household pays the property owner’s cost of capital. The tenancy run the risk of being a poverty trap as a driving force of economic inequality.

Bourgeois parties, who gladly talked about ownership advantages, has on its side, had an aversion towards taking the state of the muscles in the space for more people to get access to a private owned accommodation. Such reform proposals have been criticised with the argument about the market’s primacy, or with the sweeping references to the sub-prime loans, even if the proposals have been diverse and had well-functioning european models.

In international comparison, Sweden has low ambitions for social housing policy.

When the right and left now (try to) coexist in the januarikonstellationen result will be the closest to a hyresrättsfixering. The distorting byggsubventionerna to developers who build ”affordable” rental units will remain, market rents will be introduced and legislation is put forward, where the purchaser of a contract can be imprisoned.

According to a Novusundersökning in march so want to 93 per cent of those between the 18 to 25-year stay in a villa, townhouse or condominium within 10 years.

at the same time, many believe that they will not have the opportunity. It is no wonder: ekonomiprofessorer John Hassler mean to kreditrestriktionerna all in all makes it difficult for private ownership in an unreasonable manner. According to estimates from Veidekke tested households who want to buy a home for 3 million for a price of over 18 000 sek per month, even if the actual cost is only slightly more than sek 4 000. In addition, should the household have an own contribution of nearly half a million.

This forces the household into the far more expensive new rental apartments or remained derivative and second hand.

: It increases the possibility that the crude itself, promotes self-responsibility, and it provides lower costs to self-manage their accommodation.

The lower housing costs allows for higher savings, and the owner can get part of a rising property value. It plays the role of: the OECD Sverigegranskning pointed in the year that the increasing economic inequality to a great extent driven by differences in capital income, not least through ownership in real estate.

Private owned accommodation can also provide more active citizens through involvement in associations or communities. In addition, there are studies that show that owner-occupier programme accommodation reduces loneliness.

instead we have a situation where the working and want to own their own home are forced to move from areas that are almost exclusively consists of rental properties. If the ability instead be used to invest in the own accommodation, it can contribute to increasing social stability and optimism for the future.

Now, we need a policy that responsibly promotes a private-owned accommodation. In the christian democrat vårmotion we present a wide programme of reform:

1 Give launch loans for first time buyers where the state provides a portion of the capital contributed (own contribution/second mortgage) against the market rate of interest , provided that the household manages the bank’s credit checks for down payments. It increases the ability to buy and reduces the use of unsecured loans.

2 Before social bosparande to a down-payment. We propose a concrete model for young people, where a provision from the salary is compensated with a fixed tax credit. That reduction will be relatively worth more at lower incomes and are based on the individual’s own income, and not deposits, for example, from parents, increases the accuracy of the reform.

3 review kreditrestriktionerna and mitigate them in a way so as to cleanse the general price increases in the housing market (kapitaliseringseffekter) is avoided and a amorteringskultur be protected.

4 Lower at the same time, the ceiling for full interest deductibility and staircase of ränteavdraget slowly, with perhaps a percentage point per year set against the income tax concessions. It suppresses skulduppbyggnaden and allows more households to bear the cost of the debt. Avtrappningens effect on new domestic opportunities to own are limited by the rate of price growth can be expected to be lower.

5 Abolish byggsubventionerna and raise the housing allowance. It is better to support the needy household demand than to subsidize construction that still will not vulnerable groups. Housing benefit has long been still, which, according to the national audit office has increased the dependence of financial assistance and reduced the drivers to work.

6 Renew the leasehold. By paying a running tomträttsavgift, instead of to buy loss sites, can more have the opportunity to own and live in a small house. The legislation should be amended so that a fixed interest rate, which applies throughout the country, are paid, and the successive revaluations of the avgäldsunderlaget introduced. Then, the unpredictability made it to the leasehold fallen into disrepute is minimized. Proposals are in tomträttsutredningen.

7 Investigate how the municipalities can be ”överplanera” for housing and diversify so a certain percentage of the plan is the own home. It gives freedom of choice and the this the ground increases, which lowers the price then the competition for each buildable plot decreases.

8 Give the county a new clear mission to point out the possible buildable land. And not only to safeguard national interests.

9 convenience of the condominiums by removing tax and other obstacles. Then the smaller parts in a hyreslägenhetsbestånd converted into owned accommodation. Proposal is to study ”From tenancy to ownership.”

10 , Before the hire purchase. Households in vulnerable areas should be offered the opportunity to gradually get to buy their apartments, where part of the rent goes to the purchase of the dwelling. The state should at the same time set aside funds in order to conclude long-term agreements between the state, the municipality, accommodation and housing, the improvement of the properties and the local environment in disadvantaged areas.

11 Increase byggtakten and the availability of buildable land with the reformed riksintressesystem , higher taxes on vacant lots, and follow-up of the reform of municipal särkrav.

and reforms for the diversification of ownership in Europe (and a ”three acres and a cow”, as the british slogan from this period was), it should once again be time for the broad social reforms for the private owned accommodation. It would reduce inequality, boost the economy and improve the ability to build a good society together.