When the employment received less funding and is laying off 4,500 employees if the dismissal is being raised critical voices. Many are afraid of what the privatisation could mean.

the left party leader Jonas Sjöstedt, described in Wednesday’s partiledardebatt in the parliament, the privatization of a major problem. He sees it as a betrayal of employees, and that people now will not be able to be upgraded in the same qualitative way to enter the labour market.

It is sad when people get rid of the job. But the heart of the matter is if it is at the public employment service as people prepared in the best way to enter the labour market. Of course, we need to invest taxpayers ‘ money where they get the best effect – not after a political ideologically driven agenda.

which should perform communication often lands in whether privatisation is good or not, instead of focusing on the actual results, or how the market for jobbsök and skills provision looks like.

Just as in other policy areas privatization and state activities to be asked as each other’s and there is a fight about what is fair, moral, egalitarian, and follow the “Swedish model”.

While this ideological struggle continues is a reality for those who have experience around working with jobbförmedling, talent, recruitment, arbetsgivarmarknadsföring and skills provision in general. The fact is that the whole industry has changed profoundly.

looking for a job, has actively decreased. Instead, we see a growing proportion of the recruitment to be of the nature of the employers are looking up people, instead of looking to the employer.

This is done in different ways. It is partly the recruiter that scans and contacting people via social media or other appropriate channels. First, there are job offers that are similar to other online advertising. Thus one can say that “jobs looking for people”, not to “people seeking jobs”.

Not only trends in how the agency goes to change, but also what is required of workers to get jobs. The need to network and be seen has also increased.

where it comes to identifying people for the right job and place the right offer in front of the eyes of the most suitable persons, dominate the private operators. They are dependent on the customers will be satisfied and satisfaction does not fall on the less suitable candidates for a vacancy will be sent to the employer.

The private sector has therefore had to grind on the accuracy of the matching and the effect in their services for a long time, to be able to deliver on the stringent requirements of the desired profile of people that the employ of the employers. It does not have the employment done in the same extent.

On the mention of the investigator Cecilia Fahlberg in an article in DN Debate to the public employment service are already buying employment services from external providers for 5-6 billion annually, which is equivalent to about 60 per cent of the authority’s verksamhetskostnad.

interesting post because it proves the private operators ‘ efficiency. They deliver simply because their survival requires that they do just that.

employers increasingly pay for the services in the supply of skills, despite the fact that the employment service is trying to offer more of these services free of charge, says a lot.

There is a need of an authority that ensures that those who stand outside of society get the opportunity to quickly enter this, whether it is due to illness, social problems or unemployment. How such an authority can, and should, look like is a complicated debate. An investigation should be the basis for how the future should look like.

be to merge the social services, the employment service and Insurance for an effective way to help individuals become healthy, employable and obtain employment.

But as for the actual transmission of the job should we have to rely on the alternative where we see that the effect is greatest, not founded in an ideological setting in which all of the private options is by nature evil.