“Down on the stockholm stock exchange,”

“The last few days have been marked by börsturbulens on Wall Street and in Tokyo. The stockholm stock exchange opened on the plus after the christmas break, but then turned down.”

“At about 12.30 had the OMXS-index had fallen 0.9 per cent to 518,7. The stock exchanges in Frankfurt and London also showing red numbers, but the Paris CAC index oscillates around zero.”

“Ståljätten SSAB fall most of the big, down five per cent, followed by bilsäkerhetsföretaget Autoliv as the slopes of 3.4 per cent. The pharmaceutical company Astra Zeneca drops 2.5 per cent.”

“To the winners belong industrial group, Atlas Copco, whose B share rising by 1.1 per cent.”

“Corrected: In an earlier version stated incorrectly that the stock market opened down.”