An English groom-to-be may whistle at what are droomvrijgezellenfeest in Las Vegas had to be. His witness who, as the tradition prescribes, was in charge of the organization of the trip, well-known an evening for the departure of the 8,000 pound (9.300 euros) intended for flight tickets and stay completely to squander. No Las Vegas so, it was then but a party in a minor key in the pub at home in the city of Swindon.
Fiance Ben Whincup (28) ran for a year with the plan around to his last days as a bachelor to wear out in the gok and uitgaansparadijs in Nevada. His three friends from the rugby club, his father, two future brothers-in-law and another friend sounded excited, and would have him join. His best friend as a witness, would occur in the upcoming marriage on april 24, was charged with the organization. The trip would be per person more than 700 pounds (815 euro) is going to cost you. Each travel companion threw the money to the witness that so a budget of more than 8,000 pounds is in the hands got to the plane tickets and hotel booking. Everything seemed in order. The nine party had their luggage packed. Until a phone call the evening before the departure the fun completely spoiled.
The witness, whose name has not been disclosed, well-known Am neither plane tickets nor hotel rooms have been booked. He had the entrusted to him pennies there all the way through hunted. “I believed in my ears not”, declared the engineer/rugbytrainer to the Daily Mirror. “I didn’t really get angry, the shock and the disbelief were just too big. You can there simply not that anybody does.”
After the reismaten the sad news was communicated, he also brought a great friend in New Zealand on the height. He would be the group in Las Vegas to join and was already on the plane stepped. The long-awaited reunion remained so.
The group was just to create a flight and to book a stay, but that turned out to be an expensive joke. Start with an aperitif in the Encore Beach Club, then try your luck at one of the iconic casinos and hence leave to the megadancing Hakkasan: it was all on the schedule, but is now all in the water.
It was then but a party in their weekday pub in the home to Swindon, a city about two hours drive from London. There follows as a consolation prize, maybe even a slimmed-down vrijgezellenweekend in the northern city of Newcastle, without the witness, that is.Ben does not want to stay too long fretting and looking hopeful to his wedding party. He and the other victims have lodged a complaint with the police. A politiewoordvoerder just want to say that the matter is being investigated.