The social Democrats want to relieve. The Union wants to relieve. In the case of the SPD it goes to those who have little. The CDU and the CSU are looking to the top of the social ladder.

now, However, the social-democratic welfare state package – mainly basic pension, citizens, money, children, basic security or the desire for tax cuts, especially the abolition of the solidarity surcharge, of the plans have in common: they are budget-effective.

the Federal Ministry of Finance has made in its negotiations with the ministries just to be a shortfall of 25 billion Euro, due to lower tax revenues to 2023 due to lower growth. The FDP-budget politician Otto Fricke has anticipated the wishes of the Grand coalition are high, and even comes to a potential hole in the budget of 80 billion euros.
Above all, the basic pension of the SPD is likely to cause a few billion in addition to cost. Therefore, the claim of the party is co-sponsored also by the Federal Minister Olaf Scholz: counter-financing through higher taxes, on assets and a higher top rate of tax.

not to join the Union, the Request would have to be funded to complete solos-elimination and a discharge of the company for corporate income tax, of course, that kind of against – the two-digit billion range. In the Background, the Länder and the local authorities can insist on expensive Commitments to lurk.

EUR 40 billion, which is about to get the coal countries in order to mitigate the possible social and labour market consequences of the phasing-out of coal-fired power generation. In a Commission of the Federal government is also being talked about currently, a variety of new devices, which could add under the heading of “equivalent living conditions throughout Germany” to a high two-digit billion sum. A huge desire, a number of items of the SPD-debt of municipalities with very high cash loans.

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Beyond the the Federal budget? Here, you put a lot of into the window, what is not to Finance? Of course, such promises are, how they power the SPD now, and sometimes only of Umetiket of existing benefits to which you put a shovel on it. The basic pension is no different than an extended basic protection in old age. And the power, for example, already today, over seven billion euros.
The Federal government has a braid in the Federal Jurisdiction in addition to the Foreign and defence policy has two main tasks: He is responsible for the design of the welfare state, with a rising trend, and he shall make economic policy, promote an upturn and in the downturn.

That’s through tax policy or by means of investment programmes. This is precisely where both coalition parties are now working: The SPD wants to improve with a view to some weaker years, the social safety net, the Union wishes to enter into the growth of the economy delle a fiscal Kick. Union and the SPD have driven therefore, the least of the investment. Once you have agreed on a bit more debt. Not so much any more. A coalition agreement is the politics of the black Zero. In addition, the debt brake is not allowed in the Constitution, the red, and only minimal, as long as the economy is crashing.

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so What to do? In the years of Growth since the financial crisis, the Federal government has made four Surpluses, most recently in the previous year. The money was in a reserve, formally, to cover refugee costs, which are not now be as high as feared. So the 35 billion euros, will be used already now for the financing of coalition projects, some of which – especially the CSU-project of the Baukindergels – eat more money than I thought.

His huge surpluses, has put the Federal government in grants to States and municipalities and covering up thus: two municipal Fund with seven billion euros, or the digital Pact in the amount of five billion euros for this “misuse” of own resources for other households. In case of doubt, the Federal government can hold back here in the future.

investment amount to 39 billion euros

investments are primarily a matter for the other levels, the Länder and the local authorities. The Federal government gives an investment volume of just under 39 billion euros, part of which, however, are only transitory items for the benefit of the Länder for public transport or high-school building. A fat investment items in military procurement, so armaments are. The sum has grown tight: from 8.5 billion euros in the year 2013 in twelve billion. In the coming years, it should be cut more than 15 billion.

This Almost-doubling is mainly due to the Union, the SPD could be met with less life – therefore, the dispute, whether you are spending the the Nato partners in the prospect of defense in the amount of 1.5 percent of gross domestic product, or not. Also significantly, the expenditure on roads, waterways and Railways: from EUR 16.4 billion in 2013 to more than 21 billion are grown.
in Accordance with the pension subsidies, and the defense is the labour market policy of the third great post of about 37 billion Euro, in particular, the unemployment benefit II with a 20-billion – here, the SPD is likely to lead to plans to more spending.

Significant increases in the Education budget of the Federal government, but not schools are funded (school boards, municipalities, teachers are paid by the countries), but mainly large-scale research projects outside of the universities and the Bafög. A good 24 billion euros this Item, which is a Plus for almost six billion in just six years.

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“respect-pension”, the SPD and the escape route out of the Grand coalition?

Robert pear

The trend for the next years is, however, stagnant. A look in the financial report of the government, but also clearly Without the massive interest rate would be from cuts since the financial crisis, today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow less rosy. 31 million euros, the Federal government spent in 2013 for interest. In 2017, there were only 17.5 billion in the coming years, with slight increases planned to almost 20 billion in the year 2022.