packaging should be less and more environmentally friendly. That is the goal of the environment Minister Schulze. Is located today, therefore, the representatives of trade and industry. But the hang on the packaging.

In the queue at the meat counter a couple of customers fiddling with plastic boxes that you have brought from home. As you turn, put your Box on a tray, keeping them the Sausage salesperson over the counter. Without the Box to touch – that’s all it is – set the vendor the sausage orders of the customers in their container.

“So we save plastic bags and coated paper,” says Rolf Long, spokesman for Edeka. The cooperative supermarket chain, will also take part in Svenja Schulze’s Round table. But Rolf is not a Long time thrilled that the Minister of the environment speaks in your invitation, especially from the trade, the wool at the prevention of waste.

“The trade can’t save everything”, the Edeka spokesman. “75 percent of all items on our shelves come from the branded goods industry and as required, to consider the reduction of plastic packaging, such as the trade.”

In this Edeka store, can customers come with their own boxes at the meat counter. For Hygiene reasons the seller is not allowed to touch the Box.

“Well, even under an ecological point of view”

For the manufacturers of brand products their packaging is more than just a container for the product. You are the face of the product, a part of the marketing and bring the value of recognition, it at Procter & Gamble, a major manufacturer of cosmetic products and detergents and cleaning agents. Don’t want to abandon the industry, therefore, on the packaging. And also switching from plastic to Alternative paper and cardboard is only partially desired.

In many areas, is plastic a good Material “with good properties even under an ecological point of view,” said Gabriele Hässig, managing Director of communication and sustainability at Procter & Gamble. It is important that there is closed loop systems. “Our program is based on three pillars: Reduce, Recycling, enable and recyclate use” – i.e. manufacturing packaging from partially recycled plastic.

Yellow bags with packaging waste. The industry sees this as a Rostoff.

in Both the industry as well as in the trade stresses that are already working successfully in voluntary approaches to plastic avoid. To replace plastic with other substances, but is, for example, for the food giant Nestlé, only a partial solution.

“We don’t have to worry about as an industry to ensure that packaging will end up in the environment,” says Achim Drewes of Nestlé Germany. Better Recycling play a Central role. “Used packaging is a valuable raw material. We need to improve the systems so, in order for plastics to be used effectively in the circuit.” Nestlé, but I also work on packaging alternatives – such as paper or glass.

the end of the “half-empty Mogelverpackungen”

environmental associations or consumer organisations, but it is not just plastic. Also paper and cardboard are valuable commodities, the conscientious would have to be used. Of the 18 million tonnes of packaging eight million tons of paper or paperboard, whether now Elke Salzmann of the verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband says. “And not all the wood that is needed, will be reforested. Therefore, we expect that packaging will be reduced from paper and cardboard.”

Salzmann also calls “half-empty Mogelverpackungen” to abolish and to increase the reuse rate for beverage containers to 70 percent. “For all the mandatory reduction to set targets. Without a fixed timetable for industry and trade, need to be achieved and by when these goals, we can’t make the waste smaller.”

Different regional hygiene regulations

Without liability a lot of good ideas remained isolated solutions, the consumer activist. The consumer could decide on much to often, how much packaging you bought. On the customer side, the willingness to waste prevention, but the offers were missing.

The meat counter is the best example: as nice As the idea of the brought fresh box sounds, this still does not work in the whole of Germany. Different regional hygiene regulations also allow this idea to be an island solution.

Schulze presented a Plan against packaging waste, 26.11.2018 Atlas |Germany |Berlin
