The supermarket chain Real wants to abolish until the end of 2020, the plastic bags in the fruit and vegetable Department. Thus, the company wants to save around 70 million plastic bags, reported the retail chain on Monday. Other large retail chains are reluctant to take this step. In fact, even environmentalists do not see the plans of the Real only positive.

“sustainability is for our customers in the food retail sector a bigger role,” said Real boss Patrick Müller-Sarmiento, the step of the Metro group retail chain. “People want to eat today is no longer just Good, you want to do that with a clear Conscience.” Real want to save the step of more than 140 tons of plastics. As measured by the total fuel consumption savings of 70 million plastic would be bags however, rather low. Because a year consumed of it nationwide, according to the Federal office of environment, more than three billion.

Replaces the thin plastic bag should be – in the jargon – shirt or node bag called – for Real-by free bags made from recycled paper, as we know it mainly from the weekly market. In addition, the company wants to offer reusable washable networks, the customer must buy.

The step from the Real, however, is not without controversy. The Federation for environment and nature conservation (BUND), for example, sees the step from Real quite with mixed feelings. The FEDERAL expert for technical environmental protection Rolf Buschmann stressed in an interview with the German press Agency, namely, paper bags, when they arrived in the environment, much easier biodegradable than plastic bags. However, overall, their environmental footprint is, if you would only use once, worse than that of the plastic bag. For making the paper bags more energy and more water will be consumed, as for the products made of plastic.

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the plans of The other dealer

Other great German traders shrink back so far, even against such a step. To replace the “plastic simply paper, is not necessarily the ecologically most sensible solution. Because of the use of paper requires resources,“ said a Philips spokesman. Germany’s larger food retailers offers the customers, therefore, reusable networks as an Alternative to the node bag and tried to sensitize them to dispense more completely in a bag. “We have saved over the last three years, around 95 million plastic bags”, said the Edeka spokesman.

Also, Rewe is trying to the customers by the advantage of reusable, returnable to convince fresh networks and offers you from the end of April, also in its discount chain Penny. Aldi Süd tests in a number of branches in paper bags, and reusable washable networks as an Alternative to the knot bags. The special feature is that The discounters of the reusable networks not only sells, he also examines whether it makes sense to you only for the way of the fruit Department up to the cashier.

Aldi Nord stressed, “We are aware that the node bag should in the long term be a more sustainable Alternative supplements.” And a Lidl spokesperson said that the suppliers of cheap work bags “the Alternative to the thin-walled Nodes”.

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Antje Waldschmidt

The FEDERAL expert Bushman pleaded meanwhile, to avoid all the extra packaging. “The question of meaning in the plastic bags and paper bags must be made”, he demanded. (dpa)