Euronext NV announced on Monday that they sought support to deal with the board of directors of Oslo Bors VPS Holding, then you have already received support for his quote at the owners of the 49.6% of the Oslo stock exchange.

”Euronext believes that Oslobörsens unique strategic and competitive position as a world leader in fishery products and for its djuprotade expertise in oil services and shipping, will strengthen euronext’s position as the leading market infrastructure for finance in Europe”, writes Euronext in a press release.

to the Norwegian NRK that she did not know anything about the deal. According to the exchange’s communications director Per Eikrem came the bid as a surprise.

It came suddenly, and we were informed at the weekend. So it was not expected, ” he says to NRK.

Euronext already operates stock exchanges in Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Lisbon and Dublin.