bike couriers and their employers have signed in Bern a collective employment agreement (CEA). In Europe this is a first. The CEA ensures that the working conditions in the sector and an Instrument to counter Dumping-platforms and low-cost competition.
The contract of the employers ‘ Association Swiss messenger logistics (SML) and the trade Union Syndicom closed on Tuesday, the workers announced. It shall apply from 1. May and until further notice. Affected are currently around 600 employees.
bike couriers with the CEA, a new minimum wage of 20.35 CHF, regulated surcharges, on-call services, the use of plans with a 42.5-hour week and paternity leave. The contract sets minimum standards for the industry, which is expected to come in the next few years under pressure.
Dumping-wages of fear
abroad, intensified the competition by so-called platform companies and suppliers of cheap. This push in the data, according to their social responsibility.
According to the Union UberEats is recently already in Switzerland and camouflages the so-called platform-couriers as bogus self-employed. The company will take precarious work in favor of high profits.
The social partners, the courier industry, the Declaration of generally binding of CEA to strive for. Syndicom is planning to double in the coming months, the degree of organization in the Velokurieren. (Dec/sda)
Created: 05.02.2019, 10:27 PM