In diesel scandal raised the public Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig charges against the former VW boss Winterkorn – among other things, due to serious fraud. In addition to winter grain, four more persons were accused.

In the United States has accused the securities and exchange Commission, Volkswagen and the former group chief Martin Winterkorn already because of fraud by investors, now the legal processing of the diesel scandal in Germany in a new round. In the scandal of illegal defeat devices, the public Prosecutor’s office in Braunschweig has indicted the Ex-boss of the group. The competent Prosecutor Klaus Parents spoke of an important step.

Especially serious case of fraud

The lawsuit is directed against five leaders who “have committed in a single criminal action realized the majority of Offences”. This is a particularly serious case of fraud and a violation of the law against unfair competition.

the winter grain is also maintained infidelity, because he the 25. April 2014 have not been announced, to the knowledge of the unlawful manipulations of Diesel engines immediately. The competent regional court of Braunschweig has now to decide on the admission of the charges.

the winter grain was known to the millions to be kicked diesel manipulation in September 2015.

The scandal of millions of manipulated diesel engines cost the group almost 30 billion euros. Investors who feel informed too late about the affair, also complain in the pattern procedure, in Braunschweig, to billions in damages. Thousands of Diesel customers want to see the money.