“Expert: Difficult to trap for bribery,”

“According to Claes Sandgren, a professor at Juridicum, Stockholm and board member of Transparency International Sweden, was the acquittal verdict expected.”

” It is very difficult to trap persons for bribery. It is, and will remain so.”

“Claes Sandgren at the same time stresses that the deal has been very costly. In addition to the three billion that Telia has acknowledged that they paid in bribes to eight billion paid to u.s. and Dutch authorities. Also, the Swedish state will get a hefty bill, which includes attorneys ‘ fees of sek 38 million and the costs of qualifying work in the eight years.”

“– all in all it is a pretty sad story.”

“Sandgren says that the scope is unique, but draws parallels to the sale of JAS 39 Gripen, where the prosecutor finally put down the indictment despite the fact that all, according to Sandgren, spoke to SAAB had paid bribes to the british BAE to sell the plane.”

“– this is, in a way, in line with the experience we have of the extensive investigations of the bribery.”

“In practice, think Claes Sandgren to the change of legislation has a limited effect.”

“– the Provision on negligent financing of bribery came to 2012, but it has never been used and it indicates that it is not so easy to use.”