Attend To your energy consumption on a long-term decrease, you will of course need to have space to focus on investing in your home. But according to energy expert Paul De Vylder of ENGIE Electrabel you make with every budget difference. On the bouwsite Livios overflowing he the most effective interventions for three different budgets. 0 to 500 euro

“Even with the smallest budget you can start nibbling on your energy bill. The most important thing is that you first have sufficient understanding of your total consumption,” says Paul De Vylder.

Bring your energy behaviour in map

How high is your fuel consumption? When and where consumption you the most? You can, for example, using a power meter – that you were just in the ac outlet – your electricity consumption. But you can still go much further. For example, there are devices on the market that live energy consumption measure. In addition, many other smart thermostats on your way to a more sensible energy consumption.

Small things make big

Large insulation work naturally require a larger budget. Small, practical interventions, on the other hand are a lot more affordable and also supply immediately. Paul De Vylder gives a number of concrete suggestions:

– Isolatiestrips around your window cost you a few tens of euros, but you will save 10 to 15% on your verwarmingsfactuur;

– did you Know that a non-insulated ducts the amount of energy consumed if a 60-Watt bulb day and night lights? Bring the insulation around your pipes so that there is no valuable energy is lost;

– Apply insulating foil behind your radiators;

– Do not appeal to the loyal tochthond if you have no weather stripping under your doors;

– carpeted floors, but also good curtains to keep extra heat in the house.

Turn on led

Incandescent and halogen lamps consume a lot more than lighting. “90% of the energy that halogen bulbs consume goes to heating the filament. Moreover, their lifespan is limited to a maximum of 1,000 hours. Halogen lamps to score something better, but led is the only responsible choice: they are enormously energy-efficient and burn up to 30,000 hours.” Led lamps, you can even in the supermarket. So start already but with dribs and drabs your old bulbs to replace.

Tip: your home energy efficient relieve do you do in these five steps.