is one of the pictures of this year,> Mark Zuckerberg is the involuntary Washington-the visit of <strong . It was almost cute, like the Facebook chief was sitting there in the blue tailor-made suit, surrounded by strict-looking older fellow citizens, who can start, the majority of the little to do with Algorithms, but still have the Power to invite a billionaire like Zuckerberg in front of Congress.

The message hoped that the senators from the pictures, it was clear that the policy is taking back the Power and authority, which it has lost due to the meteoric rise of technology companies such as Facebook , Google and Amazon .

Actually? It is true that the tech giants have by far the most difficult year behind, since they appeared over a decade ago on the surface of the picture: Spying on the users, the dissemination of messages of Hatred, tax evasion, monopoly, and heavy share-price losses – the list of scandals and bad news is long.

politician with Beisshemmung

No wonder that the political pressure is growing and more and more of strict regulation, new taxes, even busting the speech is, in the United States and – even more – in Europe. Alone: Much of 2019 will not happen. “The regulators in the USA have no tendency to set too strict rules, and finally no one US company wants to move out of the country,” says Jennifer Grygiel, associate Professor of communications and social media at the University of Syracuse. In addition, politicians have discovered social media as the ideal platform to get into the mood, and to collect votes.

Michael Marti presents the “image of the year” Our Online the chief says, which is why 2018 is for Facebook the beginning of the end.

If there is somewhere to be taken seriously is the end of activities, then in Europe. Against Facebook, for example, the German Federal cartel office determined in almost three years. It wants to come in the beginning of 2019 to make a decision. It is checked whether or not Facebook is abusing the market dominant position, in order to get as many users as possible data and then for their own advantage.

other large Internet companies are in the sights of Europe’s antitrust authorities. The EU Commission has on several occasions taken action against Google, among other things because of the Android operating system for mobile devices. So really in its basic firm, but the authorities were not able to shake the big corporations so far. Billion to pay penalties in the corporations out of the petty cash, and so agreed by parties and governments may be in their criticism of these, as different as their motives and goals are.

“We need to demoralize the entire Internet again, discreetly.”Jennifer Grygiel,
a lecturer at the University of Syracuse

The shows about the inner-American debate. The Democrats complain that the presidential election was influenced by 2016 by using the social media from abroad. At the same time, however, you have Beisshemmungen to the tech companies, because their managers and Employees to you in the majority are close politically.

that is Exactly what the Republicans accuse the companies – although there is no U.S. party is able to benefit from the social media like Donald Trump: Even if the heads of Facebook, Google and Twitter in social and political issues such as immigration or gay like marriage is liberal, you are not to spread on a large scale rights and extreme right-wing content on their platforms, if you have the money.

debate about busting

in the light of the scandals and the inability to learn in the company of a debate on strict common rules, Yes, would be offered maybe even a destruction of the corporations urgently. Especially Facebook is now too big to continue to be tolerated, says Timothy Wu, a law Professor at New York’s Columbia University. Survey

want To smash the big tech companies?

Yes, their Power has become too great.
no. The main thing is that their services work.
no. The market regulates it yourself.

Yes, their Power has become too great.


no. The main thing is that their services work.


no. The market regulates it yourself.


537 votes

Yes, their Power has become too great.


no. The main thing is that their services work.


no. The market regulates it yourself.


537 votes

looks Similar to the Jeff Chester, chief of the center for digital democracy, a US privacy organisation. Instead of reforming, were held by the company the policy and expanded the data sammlerei even still, he complains.

The problems are now so large that, in the opinion of communication expert Grygiel even the destruction of a group would not be enough. “We need to demoralize the entire Internet again, subtly,” she says. “The companies have privatized the power – to the detriment of freedom of expression, of ideas and freedom of speech.”

what are the dimensions of it, made recently, Bob Goodlatte significantly, the Chairman of the judiciary Committee in the U.S. house of representatives, where Google chief Sundar Pichai to answer. “Google,” said Goodlatte, “is in the position to gather so much data about its users that even the NSA would be red with shame.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 27.12.2018, 10:58 PM