Katarina Barley (SPD) criticized the project of Facebook, its Chat services like Messenger and WhatsApp, technically. “If Facebook linked to the Messenger, is the attempt to create a monopoly,” said the Federal Minister of justice to the daily mirror. In the past year they had made for interoperability, strong, and interfaces required to allow users of different Messenger can communicate with services such as WhatsApp or Threema.
“What Facebook is planning, the idea of interoperability to the point of absurdity,” said Barley. The fact that users of smaller and safe fair can also send messages, for example, to Whatsapp users. A possible Integration is the opposite and “raises major antitrust and privacy law issues”.
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want “in The end, there will be no other way, as open interfaces, by Statute, to arrange,” says the CDU network policy Thomas Jarzombek. He could not imagine “that Facebook also only a millimetre opens voluntarily his services”. (Tsp)
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