Aleksandra Stepanovan championship final act of living has sparked debate in Russia.Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan Bukin earned the jäätanssin EM-silver, place of Minsk-race to the end of the show. EPA / AOP

represented by a pair Ivan buk in with the Russian figure skating championship jäätanssin in Belarus in Minsk.

the Pair won silver, but the Russian media in the rise of the race after the speech to the subject of Stepanovan the end of the show live.

Stepanovan outfit namely visible at certain points through.

a Couple of comments epilogue later Sovetsky Sport.

– we Wanted, that outfit is sexy, erotic and a little bit provocative, Bukin said Sovetsky Sport.

the Couple will, however, do still check and consider, dare you to live use in the future.

– I Wish I wasn’t indecent. Later we will see (from the video), what the living looked like, Stepanova said.

the figure skater explained that they suffered from the same problem, which often disturbs also the crowd on the red carpet – lighting from the surprise.

we don’t have a chance to see the outfits of the arena lights. We look at them in normal light. It may be that we will change something, but if all looked good, changes there is no need.

EPA / AOP EPA / AOP EPA / AOPJäätanssin free program Aleksandra Stepanovan and Ivan buk in the living looked like this. EPA / AOP