How can older workers secure their Job in the labour market? And how the older unemployed can be integrated back into working life? Both topics are up-to-date, without, however, up to now, a solution would have been found. A waiver of Salary, a step back on the career stage: Against both workers ‘ organisations to defend themselves vehemently.

A first step in this direction, the regional Bank Valiant has made Since the beginning of this year employees from the 56. Age is no longer entitled to an additional day per year of age up to a Maximum of six weeks from the 60. This contractual adjustment was completed by 1. April 2018 entered into force with a transitional period until 1. January 2019. According to spokesman Marc Andrey, the adjustments were accepted at the time by the entire staff. Be affected 100 employees.

Who wants to be among the more than a thousand Valiant employees more than the contractually guaranteed five weeks of vacation, can be up to 20 additional vacation days a claim for a wage waiver. The Bank shall have the vacation cut so that all employees regardless of gender and age at the same power and the same behavior of the same are provided.


What do you think of the decision of the Valiant?

The treatment is the same – finally a company dares to take this step.
Ugly, but understandable: Older workers need to be cheaper.
not at all. This is a savings measure at the expense of those with few Job Alternatives.

This is the same treatment – finally a company dares to take this step.


it is Ugly, but understandable: Older workers need to be cheaper.


not at all. This is a savings measure at the expense of those with few Job Alternatives.


5877 votes

This is the same treatment – dares to finally take this step.


it is Ugly, but understandable: Older workers need to be cheaper.


not at all. This is a savings measure at the expense of those with few Job Alternatives.


5877 votes

proposals of UBS

CH Media, the media group of the “Aargauer Zeitung” reported, citing the Swiss Association of Bank employees, that some employees wanted to fight back at the end of it, but too little support in the rest of the staff had found. “It’s no secret that older employees have in the banks is difficult,” quoted a spokeswoman for the Association. The Commercial Association refers to, according to the CH Media to an industry agreement with the major Swiss banks. Therefore, older employees should the holiday not be self-reduced powerful. Valiant is not a signatory to this agreement, like many other local institutions.

it is thought That in the financial sector, however, showed already two years ago. Already in July of 2017, presented to Economists at the UBS proposals as to how older employees could be held at the end of the work process. Their findings: About 50-Year-old should, of course, decline to say Wage, as well as a gradual reduction in management responsibility and the requirement profile. You would also have to bear the resulting higher wage costs more than in the past yourself.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.01.2019, 08:21 PM