Showbiz A ambulancier has filed a complaint against the friend of Tanja Dexters. The care worker was called to any wounded to take care of after an accident, but was threatened. The public prosecutor’s office investigates the case. There is also already an investigation into the accident with vluchtmisdrijf.

A ambulancier logs Monday evening at 20.52 hours at the local police in Yellow. He wants to make a report of a threat earlier that evening on the E313 highway at the height of Herentals-Oost. He was called to any victims of an accident to help, but never arrived. The man tells the local police that he was on the highway was threatened by two men. They demanded that he his mobile was forced to concede. That is the ambulancier fled.

The ambulancier identifies one of the bedreigers as Michael Peeters, the friend of Dexter’s. He sat behind the wheel when they are with their Jaguar were involved in a head-staartaanrijding with a Volkswagen Passat. The other threat was a friend that the couple came to collect, and with them drove away in his Land Rover.

Jealous driver

The couple claimed that the “jealous” driver of the Volkswagen Passat is abruptly slowed down and so an accident caused. From images of the Flemish traffic centre, which the police opvroeg and examined, it turns out that Tanja’s friend is dangerous reed. They confirm therefore the previous statements of witnesses a Jaguar on the road saw a swing against a Volkswagen collided when he invoegde from the emergency lane. “Antisocial and dangerous driving that resulted in an accident,” says our source.

Even for the police on the spot observations could do, were He and Peeters had left. “The situation has become untenable,” claimed Dexter, a day later. “We were on all sides beset. We were out of there.”

Michael Peeters let later know that he and Tanja also fled because they had heard that Luk Alloo is on its way to television footage. “I didn’t want to in that condition on national tv. And Tanja.” In addition, he says that the police in the presence of Alloo extra long in had to wait. “The agents from the nearest wegpolitiepost in Grobbendonk were present, but were instructed to use only the signaling control. They were so on the spot, but did the findings not because the team is from Turnhout, with Alloo there still on the way.”

to Wait, like everyone else

Various sources in the police and justice confirm that the tv-maker with the police was for shots. They deny that the first politieploeg no observations should do or dawdled in anticipation of his arrival: “We always work with two teams: one for signalling and one for the handling of the accident. They had therefore to wait, yes, yes, as everyone is. What Luk Alloo: that will advance any details about the accident or the people involved. He can only get off if we say that it can, and if the subjects have granted permission,” says a police source.

Luk Alloo itself would not reveal a lot: “I never reply on the recordings. Moreover, the case is still under investigation.” The court has indeed an investigation for accident with vluchtmisdrijf and the threat of the ambulancier. On committing vluchtmisdrijf are maximum penalties to three years in prison, a 40,000 euro fine and a lifetime ban on driving. Passengers who flights, such as Dexters, can be fined. She was yesterday not available for comment.