The company of Damien Morassut is specialized in re-use it. The employees of OKI go into the business, retrieve the old equipment is then refurbished and resold. A beautiful model of a sustainable economy now, to be jammed. “Since the beginning of the confinement, all the companies have left their premises,” says Damien Morassut. “We no longer have the whole matter first. 100% of our workforce have been put to the part-time unemployment”. Since then, many partner companies have resumed their activity, but working at home: so they are still not back in their premises. For OKI, it means a business always slowed down in the months to come: “now, we’re going to align the proportion of employees in part-time unemployment, the needs of the company. 80% of business are still there, and it could last up to re-entry”. And then? No date for resumption is a “farm” of the activity has been decided for the time being.

read also : The part-time unemployment for two and a half months, “my life is like a video game put on pause”

More than 13 million employees benefited part-time unemployment since the beginning of the health crisis, more than one out of two employees. The minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud has announced this week that this could be long, and remain at the disposal of companies for one to two years, subject to conditions. This new regime must be defined on the basis of this week during consultations with the trade unions and employers ‘ associations. It helps, of solid, has a goal: avoid a “tsunami of layoffs”. “The cost of an unemployed person is much more important than that of a person who remains in the job, says Anne-Sophie Alsif, chief economist at the Bureau of information and economic forecasts (BIPE). The goal is of partial unemployment is to retain the employee and the human capital within the company.”

international Projects to stop

Because the brakes to the recovery, and therefore the return to work of employees, are many. The health measures are imposed within local business, shops, have a non-negligible cost, denounced recently by the Confederation of small and medium-sized companies (CPME), which calls for a date for a return to normal activities.

But their removal will not be sufficient to initiate a rapid recovery. As OKI, many companies suffer from the activity slowed down other actors of the economic fabric. With the restrictions of activity related to sanitary measures, the networks of sub-contractors and suppliers fear that the crisis could be even longer for them. “When corporations take over, they have generally not been given priority to receive suppliers, or to make new business. The sale has its own pace,” confirms Sebastian Amara, HRD in Quadient, specializing in digitizing business.

“We are facing a new situation because this is not truly a crisis, nor a crisis of demand,” said Anne-Sophie Alsif. Restarting the machine will be much longer than the economic slowdown is now global.

Jean-Paul Steinitz is the CEO of Global Technologies, a company specializing in the field of telecommunications, civil and military. “We have contracts in Afghanistan, in Iraq, but given that the companies have not resumed their flights and that the military centres remain closed, it is blocked on everything that concerns the technical installations,” he stressed. We were not able to perform any action commercial, no demo for the past four months. For the time being, with the help of the government and of partial unemployment, it has managed to preserve the results.” Global Technologies hope, without certainty, to be able to announce to his teams, a date of resumption “at the end of June, to give visibility to managers”.

The Medef Paris is estimated that 30% of its members have maintained certain employees, or all of them, the part-time unemployment. Especially not to dig up the losses, and wait for the context recovery is more favourable. “The government is for the time being reached on the “low balance” of enterprises, that is to say, the positions of load, access to credit, points out Charles Znaty, president of the employers association in the capital. It is now necessary to act on the “high balance” and allow them to replenish their own funds to address the recovery with the additional debt”.

consumption is still shy

The challenge therefore is to revive consumption. “With the partial unemployment, was compensated for the loss of income of businesses and households, but I do not think that households consume, from the exit of the containment, any savings that they have made,” said Florence Pisani, economist at Candriam Investors Group. In April, the consumption had melted approximately 34% compared to the same month of the previous year, according to figures from Insee. During the first week of déconfinement, consumption picked colors without for as much to illustrate a “catching up effect” massive: it has remained lower by 6 points to its pre-crisis level.

In Paris, the restaurant “The Dog who smokes”, after a re-opening “catastrophic” on the first day, has also made the election to adjust the number of its employees to its sales: “if we do 30% of our turnover usual, we will return 30% of our employees, and so on”, explains Fabienne Mialane, the patron saint. Without excluding the possibility of closing the facility if the customers are not to appointment. As long as the foreign tourists will not be income, as long as the employees of businesses nearby will not be called back to the office, the sales will remain sluggish. The recovery will take time and will, in this endeavor, by fits, by adjustments permanent.

The recovery will be slow

“businesses remain in the perspective of adapting the unemployed to the needs, there may be a form of a “wait and see”, says Anne-Sophie Alsif. The companies expect the ideal time for them to resume their activity, or provide for a “stay”: the trade unions regret that the State aid does not bear rewards in terms of job retention, and that partial unemployment does not become a “true chômage”.

eyes are now riveted on the month of September, if the schools re-opened completely, will also help parents who were receiving part-time unemployment to keep their children return to the path of the work.

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While the spectre of a “second wave” of the epidemic seems to be fading, companies could then gain visibility. “No company has an interest to see this situation continue,” points out Charles Znaty. Because these emergency measures were a massive cost to the State, that it be written off at one time or another.

The editorial team conseilleDette, deficit, growth, unemployment: the year 2020 is going to beat all of the recordsVers a part-time unemployment long-term for the sectors in difficultéAllemagne : the part-time unemployment, asked for $ 11.7 million persons since marsSujetsplan of relanceconfinementdéconfinementchômage partielcoronavirusAucun comment

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