Electric power from renewable energies has the stuff to be up to 2050, for major energy sources in the world. Everyone in the energy transition, invested dollars can generate a value of from three to seven dollars. To this optimistic assessment, the International Renewable energy Agency (Irena) in a report she presented on Monday in the run-up to the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue.

The share of Electricity in global final energy consumption increases in the optimistic scenario, the Agency from 20 to almost 50 percent, with Renewable supply 86 percent of the electricity. The most important driver of electrification will be the spread of electric mobility, an increasing electricity demand from the heat sector and the production of green hydrogen by electrolysis.

Renewable could supply mid-century, two-thirds of the total energy, says Irena in the latest edition of its report “Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050”. The Transformation of the energy sector would require less subsidy than previously thought – provided that the money flowed less in fossil fuels and also less in the power generation. Instead, you have to put the subsidies will only increase in the energy efficiency and Decarbonisation, in particular, of industry and of transport.

More Job gains than Job losses

compared to previously pursued energy policies, in the framework of the world 95 trillion US dollars are provided to the investment needed for such a course of approximately 15 trillion US dollars. Irena, one of Germany and the European Union to its members, this Plus 40 percent lower than a year ago. The decline in returns to lower costs of Renewables and the growing opportunities for electrification of transport and other energy consumption.

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For the case that the world takes this path, in fact, predicts the Agency for the year 2050 CO2-emissions are 70 percent below today’s level. New jobs in the Renewable, energy efficiency and flexibility would compensate for the loss of Jobs in conventional energy production, more than forecast, the international Organisation with its headquarters in Masdar City in the United Arab Emirates.

for this scenario To reality, is, according to Irena Director-General Francesco La Camera quick reversal is required. Because of the emission of greenhouse gas to to to. In the past five years, energy-related CO2 emissions in the world increased by 1.3 percent per year. “The race to a climate-friendly future, has entered into a decisive Phase,” said La Camera. The energy transition gains, but had to be faster. The previous measures were not sufficient.

CO2-tax carries political risks

The overall economic development up to 2050 will depend significantly on the extent of the harmful consequences of climate change, says Irena. The transformation of the energy systems offer the opportunity to more economic growth, more jobs and more prosperity. In a favorable scenario, this has been calculated by the Agency, adopts the world’s gross domestic product energy transition due to the 2.5 percent and the number of jobs by 0.2 percent. In regions with a strong dependence on the Export of fossil fuels at a disadvantage and would be under strong pressure to adapt.

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The authors of the report measure the CO2 tax has a special significance. Depending on the amount you could have “significant socio-economic impacts”. Whether these were positive or negative, depend strongly on the respective political framework. In the case of CO2-taxes, special care should be taken therefore”,” on a national and international level. This is an important factor for the Success of the energy transition.