Head coach Jukka Jalonen announced the Lions ‘ lineup in February playing the part of the Swedish EHT tournament.Head coach Jukka Jalonen assesses the video the Lions selected young champion of the world you Rasmus in Copper and the Brent Valley. Vesa Parviainen

According to the from four A-team of first-time law, namely the Hannes, Björn , Oliwer Kaski , Rasmus Copper and Oscar Laaksonen .

Yet the beach for a few young top talent, which many might expect to see now for the first time the Lions ‘ ranks. One such is the young MM-hero Bebe in Agility .

–the Deuce would have been included in the team, if would have been healthy. He and Tepsin with the subject of the talk, but unfortunately, there have been ailments and haven’t been able to play. I hope this week to play and get back into shape, Jalonen shed light on the 17-vuotaan the attacker’s situation.

Recently 20 years have been Alexy Heponiemi was the youngest of the world championship gold medal team’s best point man.

–Yes we are him to this team, I was wondering, but this time not arrived yet to take. It is the kind of player who at some point will certainly come to play in the NHL and I hope the A-team too.

I Know his ability and skills, peak of the future he’s probably in front, Jalonen commented ermine attacker situation.

February 24 years have to be Robotics Kangasniemi he’s still waiting for the first lion call. SCUBA:no pocket rocket is a SM-league goal listed at the top, although there have been on the sidelines of 16 match.

–He’s been really effective when is played. Iikalla has been a lot of injuries and ailments this over the years, but is really skillful and tricky player and cunning to score.

– Yes we are always the good players will be monitored, and all and Sundry belonged to the group which is deeply involved in, when the players decisions are made, Jalonen insurance.

Also the NHL’s Winnipeg Jetsistä autumn KHL:no Jokers moved Christian Vesala first A test match remains so far without seeing.

he too has been discussed. He belongs to this group, which will continue to the players choice. Young and a potential top player definitely, Jalonen kehai 19-year-old attacker.

of Course should also reflect the whole and how many young guys can take the time together on the team. That seam can come then sometimes later – and it will certainly, because there is enough of the good guys question.

NHL reinforcements jukka Jalonen makes the spring even two trips to North America. Kimmo Brandt / AOP

Part of the now unchecked missed is on the side of the players ‘ recycling one.

the Beach left can get even screen locations of the spring training caps, and labor day after playing in the Czech EHT-tournament – though the team’s playoff games may stretch with them overlap.

in Addition, part of the world cup game of the day goes to, of course, NHL players.

the Michieli and the Lions GM Jere Lehtinen traveling in North America and February to that of march.

–the Goal is to meet our NHL players, to see them in action and above all get to discuss what’s going on currently and what their thoughts are on the A-team is concerned.

Jalonen know that many NHL players have a contract to rehab.

–Less frequently their players on the team can be. Talk about world class players with big contracts and the future of the case. Those things you have to of course understand, she said.