Notice to aficionados of Grand Frais stores: the chain’s very first Parisian supermarket is due to open its doors in Paris in 2024, according to information disclosed by Le Monde. A well-kept secret, but which ended up leaking, while the opening of this store located at 20 rue Lecourbe, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, is planned in a few months, during the first quarter of the year. In place of a former Bio c’Bon store, formerly owned by the Carrefour group. In total, around half a thousand square meters will be devoted to the sale of “fresh food products”, which has made the reputation of this brand created in 1992 in France, in order to compete with the margins of greengrocers.

Since then, the model has hit the mark and has developed throughout France, particularly in the outskirts, in shopping areas and other large shopping centers. Until reaching no less than 305 addresses, scattered all over the country. More profitable than the average supermarket, Grand Frais owes its reputation to its large stalls of fresh produce, seasonal vegetables, but also exotic fruits, often arranged under misters which give the impression of absolute freshness. Far from what you can find in the convenience stores in the city center of the capital. Grocery products, bulk items as well as the organic range are also part of the success of this concept.

Also read: The owners of Grand Frais conquer Paris

Be careful, however, not to be fooled in Paris, because this is not a question of opening a new Grand Frais supermarket, but the very first store of the Mon-marché.fr brand. Named after the delivery service launched in Paris, and in some large towns in Hauts-de-Seine, including Neuilly-sur-Seine, Levallois-Perret and Puteaux. “Stores of 2,500 square meters like those of Grand Frais are not profitable in the capital given real estate prices. At the same time, home delivery was experiencing incredible growth. Hence the idea of ​​offering the Grand Frais offer for home delivery,” Gilles Raison, the general director of Mon-marché.fr, explained to Le Figaro in 2021.

And if three collection zones have been set up on the Île de la Cité, Porte de Saint-Cloud and in Puteaux, no physical store had yet been opened in Paris. In 2024, this oversight will be corrected, with an offer similar to that proposed on the delivery site. Note that in terms of prices, most products should be sold at the same price as at Grand Frais. In any case, that was the initial promise, in addition to offering quality products. “We prioritize taste. We look for the best terroir at the best time. For equivalent taste, we choose a French product,” Gilles Raison had rightly explained.

While waiting to have access to it, Parisians can still have it delivered, and Ile-de-France residents can do their shopping in one of the 48 Grand Frais stores in the region, such as in Livry-Gargan (93), Bry-sur-Marne (94), Argenteuil (95) and Noisiel (77).