Ghent The city of Ghent hopes in the coming days to conclude a deal with the complainant in the case file around swimming pool Rozebroeken. “The lawyers talk confidentially with each other. We suspect that the complainant is in court for something has been obtained that went beyond what he himself wanted”, says ships Sofie Bracke (Open Vld). According to ships Filip Watteeuw (Green) are the lawyers of the city sure that they are in an occupation can win.

At the commission for urban development, urban development and housing Thursday, it became clear how big the legal tangle that was caused by the judgment on LAGO Gent Rozebroeken. All parties wanted to know what the plan of the city. “Also within the schepencollege has this case caused a stir,” Watteeuw. “ The decision of the court we found at least strange. We now need as soon as possible to find a solution to the activities can resume.”

The sentence is not yet served by the counterparty. That may mean that an opening is left in order to compare it to.

Ships Filip Watteeuw (Green)

In the first place, the city hopes to conclude a deal with the complainant in question. It is not for money, but, for example, to a settlement in which additional measures are taken to noise pollution. “The verdict is not yet served by the counterparty. That may mean that an opening is left in order for an agreement to come,” said Watteeuw. “The talks currently run between the lawyers. We hope to be there fast results.”

The city is considering immediately and also to appeal against the judgment. That decision falls next week. “Our legal department assures us that we have sufficient reason to appeal,” says Watteeuw. Unfortunately, wants to appeal-not to say that there time is being won. When the proceedings start, this is also the period of six months in which the outdoor swimming pool demolished.

We will be in need. We may be here for many years with pulled buttocks sitting, with the fear that someone will agree to the court will take steps to the swimming pool to demolish

Ships Sofie Bracke (Open Vld)

“We’ll appeal to go”, says Sofie Bracke. “We may be here for many years with pulled buttocks sitting, with the fear that someone will agree to the court will take steps to the swimming pool to be demolished. We need to find a good and constructive solution.”


PVDA urged to immediately regularisatieprocedure to start for the pool. “Such a procedure takes a long time. But if it ensures that the Inhabitants in the long term, continue to swim in Rozebroeken, then we need to do that,” said Tom The Master.

more and more ‘pink pants’

in the Meantime, dive in Ghent more and more ‘pink pants’. In protest against the closure of the outdoor Rozebroeken hang a lot of its citizens pink garments on their window. That happens not only in the area of the pool, but in just about all neighborhoods.