dumping prices and the increasing Acquisitions of European high-tech firms: China is also using controversial methods increasingly becoming an economic superpower. German industry, however, is now calling for a harder course.

The German industry beats the Alarm: The market economy must be made more “resilient” against the economic methods of China said in a policy paper. “Between our model of a liberal, open and social market economy, and China’s state-dominated economy to a system of competition,” writes the Federation of German industries (BDI).

The European and German industry with the model of a liberal and social market economy is still in a strong Position on the world market. But China will always be stronger – and the European Union should be careful not to lose in important future technologies such as Artificial intelligence the connection.

“markets and prices are distorted,”

Therefore, the EU needs to re-sharpening your instruments and China oppose. China is not developing, contrary to earlier expectations in sight to a market economy and liberalism, said BDI President Dieter Kempf. The country is distorted due to government intervention in markets and prices. The result of worldwide Overcapacity, such as in steel. In the future, you can expect to also, for example, in robotics or battery cells.

The BDI presents a total of 54 claims so that Europe and Germany can become more competitive against the Chinese state capitalism. Specifically, the Association proposes to raise EU state aid law and the Anti-subsidy instruments. Europe must effectively against commercial practices that are not in the EU produce and state subsidies.