in 2018 was a good year for the health insurance companies. Their revenues were higher than expenses. In the past few weeks, the published annual reports of the insurers, therefore, have a Surplus. The reason for this is that the costs are on the rise in the mandatory basic health insurance in the past year, less than in the previous year was seen. Instead of the long-term average of around four per cent, it is likely to be only one percent. How much it is exactly, is not yet known.

In the industry is divided as to why the costs are lower. According to Felix Schneuwly from the comparison service Comparis. CH, it has to do with a reversal of the trend in the inpatient area. “The hospitals reported partial loss of significant revenue,” he says. This means less costs for the insurance companies. The Trend to more outpatient procedures show effect. The list of the Federal office for public health with six operations that must be performed on an outpatient basis, could reinforce it. Some cantons have a dozen operations on your list. There, the effect is higher.

What do the funds do with the money?

For Pius Zängerle, Director of the health insurance Association of Curafutura, now the intervention in the outpatient Rate. Federal councillor Alain Berset has reduced several times in recent years, the rates of special doctors. In addition, the funds have tightened up their checks on the bills from Doctors and hospitals on an ongoing basis. “This has a direct effect on the cost and affects the settlement behaviour of certain service providers.” The reforms have also led to delayed invoicing, says Santésuisse-speaker Manuel Ackermann.

What do the funds do with the money? Since the coffers of law must pay due to no income, the Surplus of the last financial year in the case of most of the funds in full in the reserves. Three funds make an exception: The Assura, the Sympany and the Concordia have announced part of their Surplus to the premium payers to reimburse. The supervision of the law on health insurance provides for this possibility for 2016. The Federal office of public health has to approve the repayment, however.

The health insurance Fund Sympany Basel, was a pioneer in this measure. She has carried out since 2016 every year, in some cantons, refunds, 2016 in Aargau, Fribourg and Schaffhausen, a year later, in both Basel and last year, in a total of seven cantons. The amounts amounted to 2018 between 50 Swiss francs for the Berne Insured up to 370 francs for customers in the Canton of Solothurn. This year, the Concordia, has announced the 108 million Swiss francs to repay.

With the Assura for the first time one of the Big three in the business now makes use of the possibility of repayments to a lot of paid premiums. Around half a Million Insured is likely to receive something back. The three funds in accordance with Federal office of public health, all of the already high level of reserves, which is why the payment of the Surpluses has to offer.

funds think that premiums something

climbing What is happening with the Surpluses which go into the reserves? The health insurance companies are not allowed to use the reserves to lower premiums in the coming year to tighten the competition. The Federal office of public health controls the premium approval. Most of the funds go on to request, nevertheless, from fashion increases in premiums rates in the coming year, because they increase the cost after the failed forecast is now lower estimate.

“We value moderate premiums, not to a later repayment.”Christina Wettstein, spokesperson of CSS

Insured, the Fund pays nothing, would in the short term, at a disadvantage, says Felix Schneuwly from Comparis. They benefited, but in the medium term, lower premiums, if your cash reserves, making a good landing, and income. Exactly those funds have, which is nothing to pay back directly, as Christina Wettstein, head of the media office of the CSS, explained: “We place a high value on moderate premiums, not to a later repayment.” (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 07.06.2019, 10:12 PM