Google participated in the last year officially for the first time at the CES electronics trade fairs. Now, the network of is expected to more seatings.Google was forced to close his department for the day due to torrential rain. Janiko Kemppi

Google was last year in Las Vegas annual Consumer Electronics Show -trade fair impressively involved. Google ads, as well as the small dots were cultivated around the exhibition area, and the company also found its own, displaying his department’s exhibition hall in front of the outside, which contains, inter alia, the blue slide as well as a roof terrace.

Weather put however, in recent years the baton to Google the stroller. Google didn’t get the fair started to open up our own foreign department for one day at all the heavy rains.

– we’ve been shut down mode for safety reasons. Water and electricity do not fit well together, the entrance guarded by a Google representative to comment on what happened last year at the fair the evening paper.

When they were finally open, presented Google impressively, inter alia, voice assistant and Home systems. Time and money go, however, a lot of waste. This year, it would seem that Google does not need to be afraid of heavy rain.

Known to former more spectacular title

Now Cnet writes that Google is expected to in recent years a greater output to the CES trade show in. Because the company did years ago clear that it is to grab a large part of CES-the pie for themselves, it is expected that Google offers even more to see and do this year. The company’s spokesman has promised illut, too, that Google is going to appear more than three times bigger.

google the title (in orange on the map) has grown quite a bit since last year. Screenshot

google’s own devices are here to stay. CNBC:according to google’s equipment sales may grow in the next three years in up to 20 billion dollars.

google’s voice assistant has started to find also increasingly from multiple devices. The recent CES trade show in Google tell voice grant to expand also to sony’s, JBL’s, LG’s and lenovo’s devices. Cnet writes that this year Google will introduce a very most likely even more voice command support for third-party manufacturers devices.

the CES exhibition held in Las Vegas 8.-11.1. Fairs participates in more than 180 000 visitors and exhibitors is more than 4000. Evening magazine reports directly to the spot.