In India, have entered two women on Wednesday, one of the holiest Hindu shrines, and thus their right to equal treatment. How Indian media reported, managed to bypass Bindu and Kanaka Durga, accompanied by police officers and in the cover of darkness, extremist Hindus, which have transformed since the weeks of the Sabarimala temple in Kerala in a fortress. They are protesting against the cancellation of the visit of ban for women by the Supreme court of the country.

The two in black cloth-clad women entered the sanctuary on a hill in the southern state of Kerala is not about the 18 levels, the believers usually go, but were a back entrance to Pray in the building. After video footage of her visit were made public, it came at the temple to protest. Shortly after the action of the high priest ordered the closure of the temple, a “cleansing ritual”. After an hour he was open.

most of The temples allow women to fear the entry

according to Tradition, not allowed to women between the ages of ten and 50 years of age to enter the Golden temple, because there, ladies and gentlemen of the deity is considered to be unmarried and faithful to a “seduction”. In September 2018 the Supreme court of India explained, however, after a year-long legal dispute, the practice was in breach of the Constitution guaranteed the equal treatment of men and women. Many women had tried to reach the in a forest nearby the temple and the Shrine of the God Ayyappa. They were, however, of the Hindu-held activists. In October there was a clash between prohibition supporters and the police, 2000 people were arrested.

On Tuesday had formed tens of thousands of women in Kerala a human chain to protest against the temple ban. Most of the temples in India to allow the visit of women, and put no strict age rules, such as the Sabarimala temple. However, there are several famous temples to get a woman ban.

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Against the decision of the Supreme court, numerous conservative Hindu movements, as well as the Hindu put-nationalist Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) of Prime Minister Narendra modi contradiction. They challenge the judgment on the grounds that ignore the traditional Belief that Ayyappa lived in celibacy. For the 22. January is scheduled a court hearing of the judgment opponent. (epd, AFP)