housing prices in Sweden reached a peak in the summer of 2017 with some local variations.

But then came the slowdown in the autumn. In the Stockholm region, prices fell by 10-12% by the end of the year.

since Then, changes have been small. Months with the rise, has given way to months, with a decline – a pattern that was particularly evident during the fjolårshösten. Any recovery from the fall in prices in the autumn of 2017 has thus not occurred.

Compared with August of 2017, the housing prices in Sweden on average has fallen by eight per cent, says Svensk Mäklarstatistik.

this is where four of the ten bostadsrättsaffärer is made, the price drop has been 10 per cent. Storgöteborg is located on the national average and in Stormalmö have the price drop was five percent.

Per-Arne Sandegren, chief analyst at Svensk Mäklarstatistik, mean that the level of prices overall now are in the big on that in the summer of 2016.

“Yes, as a rule, it is the same level,” he says.

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He hastens, however, to add that there are large regional differences and that there are places where prices were actually higher than in 2016.

is at normal levels, one can thus assume that the price level which was reached just over a year ago is that now buyers and sellers will accept.

” We don’t know where the market goes, but the prices have remained at the same level for a while now, says Sandegren.

the Pattern is somewhat different when it comes to villapriserna. From August 2017, they have fallen by an average of four percent in Sweden. In Stockholm, they have fallen by ten per cent and in the Gothenburg region, with four per cent.

In Stormalmö, they have instead increased by one per cent, compared to August 2017.

on average, prices of both villas and condominiums remained unchanged in Sweden during the month of February of this year, compared with January.

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the Stockholm and greater Stockholm where housing prices although there, unchanged, as well as for Storgöteborg. In the centre of Gothenburg, sweden they fell by one per cent.

Malmö, as usual, goes against the flow. In the central parts step housing prices by two per cent and in Stormalmö by one per cent.

In Stormalmö step villapriserna in February with three percent and in greater Stockholm by one per cent, compared with January. In Storgöteborg and in the kingdom was, on average, they remained unchanged.

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