Best Toronto DUI lawyer – How to Beat a DUI

Do you feel that you were wrongly charged with a DUI? If so there are ways for you to possibly beat your DUI, but first, you need to know the facts and proper steps to take.

Did the officer mess up?

Everyone messes up sometimes, including policemen. If you feel you were wrongly accused, you need to determine if there was a mistake made by the officer who pulled you over.

These mistakes can be things like:

  • An illegal stop. Policemen have to have a reason to pull you over. Were you speeding as well? Did you run a red light? Did you do anything wrong to make the officer feel you should be stopped? Remember, weaving within your lane is not illegal nor is it legal for them to pull you over because of an anonymous tip. Your arresting officer has to keep notes of all things regarding your case. You have a legal right to examine them. Send that officer a request for his notes, videos or other things regarding your case.
  • Can the officer prove that you were driving under the influence? Field sobriety tests are somewhat unreliable and even breathalyzers can be wrong. How does the officer know for a fact you were drinking? Did he have an expert test you? Were you videotaped at any time either by the on-board camera of his car or at the police station acting drunk?
  • Did he read you the Miranda rights correctly? Did he read them to you at all? Legally they have to read your rights to you before they can arrest you.
  • Did they illegally search your car? Did you give them permission to do so? No car can be searched for a routine traffic violation unless you give them permission to search. If it is, the case can be thrown out.

Other reasons that you may be able to avoid your DUI charges:

  • Sometimes there are circumstances that come up that make it hard for the office to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were in fact drinking. For instance, if you were taking cold medicine, taking cough drops or if you had used an asthma inhaler before being pulled over, a breathalyzer may show alcohol that wasn’t actually present.
  • Did the statute of limitations expire or did you get a speedy trial after being charged? Court dates have to be within a certain time period. Failure to give you that can result in the case being thrown out.
  • Another reason that your DUI could be thrown out is your health. Do you have medical or mental issues that would have made you mess up the standardized field sobriety tests? This could include a bad leg that makes you appear to stumble. Are you overweight?
  • Was the weather bad when you were pulled over? Winds can make your car swerve in the road and make you appear drunk. Heavy rains may make you drive differently than normal. Bad weather can also mess up your balance during the field sobriety tests. If you can prove that the weather was bad, you may have grounds to get the case thrown out.

Understand your rights!

If you feel you were wrongly accused let BDUI Attorney Toronto tell you what your rights are and see if you can beat the DUI charges. You don’t want it to be on your driving record or be forced to pay fines if you didn’t deserve to be punished. Give Best DUI Attorney In Toronto!